
Potresnoodporno projektiranje montažne armiranobetonske stavbe z upoštevanjem osnutka novega Evrokoda 8 : diplomska naloga
ID Đukić, Đorđe (Author), ID Dolšek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Babič, Anže (Comentor)

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Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je predstavitev in uporaba novosti, ki jih na področju potresnoodpornega projektiranja armiranobetonskih montažnih stavb uvaja delovna različica novega Evrokoda 8. Predstavljene so nekatere novosti pri projektiranju montažnih stavb glede na trenutno veljavni standard. Opišemo način definicije spektrov pospeškov, določitev strižne armature v stebrih in izpopolnjena navodila za dimenzioniranje mozničnih stikov med stebri in gredami. Uporabo novega Evrokoda 8 nato demonstriramo tako, da projektiramo različice enoetažne armiranobetonske montažne stavbe. Stavbo sprojektiramo po trenutnem standardu (SIST EN 1998-1) za srednji razred duktilnosti in po delovni različici novega standarda, kjer upoštevamo novo uvedeni razred duktilnosti DC3. Pri projektiranju se omejimo na stebre in stike med stebri in gredami, ki so se med preteklimi potresi izkazali za kritične elemente konstrukcije. Prikazana je primerjava rezultatov projektiranja po obeh standardih. Sprojektirani konstrukciji primerjamo tudi z vidika nosilnosti in deformacijske kapacitete, pri čemer za določitev deformacijske kapacitete uporabimo model za mejni pomik, ki ga prav tako uvaja nova različica standarda Evrokod 8. Izkaže se, da se nosilnost stebra poveča, deformacijska kapaciteta obravnavanih stavb pa se praktično ne spremeni zaradi uporabe nove različice standarda.

Keywords:Potresno inženirstvo, Evrokod 8, montažna armiranobetonska stavba, spekter odziva, faktor obnašanja, načrtovanje nosilnosti, moznični stik.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[Đ. Đukić]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120133 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:44938755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Earthquake resistant design of a precast reinforced concrete building considering the draft of the new Eurocode 8 : graduation thesis
The main goal of the thesis is to present and use the novelties that are introduced by the draft of new Eurocode 8 in the field of earthquake-resistant design of precast reinforced concrete buildings. Some novelties in the design of precast reinforced concrete buildings in comparison to the current version of the code are presented. We describe the definition of the acceleration spectra, requirements for the shear reinforcement in columns and improved instructions on how to design a dowel connection between a column and a beam. The use of the draft of the new Eurocode 8 is then demonstrated by designing variants of a single storey reinforced concrete building. The building is designed for ductility class medium according to the current standard (SIST EN 1998-1). In addition, it is designed according to the working draft of the new standard, where the newly introduced ductility class DC3 is taken into account. The design is limited to columns and beam-to-column connections, which proved to be the critical structural components in past earthquakes. A comparison between the results of the design is presented. The designed structures are compared in terms of strength and deformation capacity. The deformation capacity was calculated by utilizing the model introduced by the draft of the new Eurocode 8. It turns out that the strength of columns increases, but the deformation capacity is practically not affected by the design rules introduced in the draft of the new standard.

Keywords:Earthquake engineering, Eurocode 8, precast reinforced concrete building, response spectrum, behaviour factor, capacity design, dowel connection.

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