
Analiza izbranih katastrskih postopkov – posebni primeri : diplomska naloga
ID Purnat, Anja (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Golob, Peter (Comentor)

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil preučiti posebnosti katastrskih postopkov po podatkih uradne dokumentacije zemljiškega katastra na podlagi izbora elaboratov s »posebnimi primeri«. Ti posebni primeri so bili izbrani izkustveno, na podlagi poznavanj in izkušenj mentorice in somentorja. Glavni kriterij za izbor elaboratov je neusklajenost »dejstev«, s katerimi se srečuje geodet na terenu. V ta namen smo izbrali 16 elaboratov, ki smo jih podrobno preučili. Pri analizi elaboratov smo naleteli na različne katastrske postopke, kot so ureditev meje, parcelacija, obnova postopka, izravnava meje ter določitev zemljišča pod stavbo. Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da se v praksi pojavljajo napake pri izdelavi elaboratov tako s strani izvajalcev katastrskih storitev kot tudi napak do v podatkih katastra pri Geodetski upravi RS. Nekatere napake so nastale med drugim pri digitalizaciji katastra. Pogosti primeri, ki smo jih obravnavali, so gradnja preko meje parcele, odstopanje uživalnih parcelnih mej od tistih, po podatkih zemljiškega katastra, ter tudi sodni primer določevanja poteka parcelnih mej. Vsi ti problemi se lahko rešijo z ureditvijo mej parcel, z obnovo upravnega postopka ali z odpravo napake v zemljiškem katastru, čeravno v zakonodaji ni vedno jasno, kakšen postopek je predviden za specifičen primer.

Keywords:zemljiški kataster, katastrski postopki, zemljiška administracija, elaborat, katastrski arhiv
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[A. Purnat]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120130 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:44669699 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The analyses of the selected special cadastral cases : graduation thesis
The purpose of the diploma thesis has been to examine the specifics of cadastral procedures according to the official land cadastre documentation on the basis of a selection of "special cases". These specific cases were selected empirically based on the knowledge and experience of the supervisor and co-supervisor. The main selection criterion was the inconsistency of "facts" encountered by the land surveyor in the field. For this purpose, we selected 16 cadastral cases, which we examined in detail. In the analysis, we came across various cadastral procedures, such as the cadastral boundary determination, parcel subdivision, renewal of the cadastral procedure, parcel boundary adjustment and determination of the building footprint. We came to the conclusion that in practice, there are errors that have been done by both cadastral service providers and by the Surveying and Mapping Authority during the maintenance of land cadastre. Some errors have occurred, among others, by the digitization of the cadastral data. Some common examples we have studied are the challenges regarding construction across the land parcel boundary, deviation of land possession boundaries from those according to the land cadastre, as well as court cases of parcel boundary determination. All these problems can be solved by the process of parcel boundaries determination, by renewing the cadastral procedure or by correcting an error in the land cadastre, although it is not always clear in the legislation what procedure is envisaged for a specific case.

Keywords:land cadastre, cadastral processes, land administration, field book, cadastral archieve

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