
Primerjava posrednih in neposrednih metod funkcionalne ocene vedenja pri odraslih osebah z motnjami v duševnem razvoju
ID Simnjanovski, Maja (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odrasle osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju (v nadaljevanju MDR) izkazujejo moteča vedenja pogosteje kot populacija značilnega razvoja. Moteča vedenja vplivajo na socialno vključevanje, kvaliteto življenja in na funkcioniranje osebe z MDR. Funkcionalna ocena vedenja (v nadaljevanju FOV) je učinkovit in znanstveno utemeljen način za zmanjševanje posameznega motečega vedenja. Omogoča določanje funkcije oz. namena motečega vedenja in identifikacijo okoljskih dejavnikov, povezanih z motečim vedenjem. V procesu FOV se uporabljata dve vrsti metod: posredna in neposredna. Ključnega pomena je raziskati stopnjo skladnosti med metodami, saj se povečuje potreba po hitrih in učinkovitih tehnikah, ki temeljijo na določanju funkcije motečega vedenja. Namen magistrskega dela je proučiti skladnost med rezultati, ki smo jih dobili z uporabo obeh metod. V multiplo študijo primera so bile vključene tri odrasle osebe z zmernimi MDR, ki kažejo različne oblike motečega vedenja. Podatke smo zbirali s pomočjo posrednih (pregledom dokumentacije, intervjujem o funkciji vedenja (Functional Assessment Interview) in lestvico za ocenjevanje motivacije (Motivation Assessment Scale)) in neposrednih metod (direktnim opazovanjemz uporabo A-B-C sheme za analizo vedenja). Raziskava je pokazala večjo stopnjo skladnosti med ugotovitvami, ki se nanašajo na funkcijo (namen) motečega vedenja in na topografijo (obliko) motečega vedenja. V raziskavi smo identificirali iste okoljske dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pojav motečega vedenja z uporabo obeh metod FOV. Raziskava je pokazala tudi manjšo stopnjo skladnosti med podatki, ki se nanašajo na pogostost, trajanje in jakost motečega vedenja z uporabo obeh metod FOV.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120108 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28265987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison between indirect and direct methods of functional behaviour assessment in adults with intellectual disability
Adults with intellectual disability exhibit challenging behaviour more frequently than the population with typical development. Challenging behaviour influences social inclusion, quality of life, and the functioning of a person with intellectual disability (here in after referred to as ID). Functional behaviour assessment (here in after referred to as FBA) is an effective and scientifically-based way of reducing individual challenging behaviour. It allows you to determine the function or purpose of challenging behaviour and the identification of environmental factors associated with challenging behaviour. Two types of methods are used in the FBA process: indirect and direct. It is crucial to explore the degree of consistency between the methods, as the need for rapid and effective techniques based on determining the function of challenging behaviour is increasing. The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine the consistency between the results obtained using both methods. A multiple case study included three adults with moderate ID, showing different forms of challenging behaviour. Data was collected using indirect (review of documentation, Functional Assessment Interview and Motivation Assessment Scale) and direct methods (direct observation using the A-B-C behaviour analysis scheme). The research showed a higher degree of consistency between the findings relating to the function (purpose) of the challenging behaviour and the topography (form) of the challenging behaviour. In the study, we identified the same environmental factors that influence the occurrence of challenging behaviour using both FBA methods. The study also showed a lower degree of consistency between data relating to the frequency, duration, and intensity of challenging behaviour using both FBA methods.


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