
Vpliv prehrane matere med nosečnostjo in po porodu na razvoj otroka
ID Jenko, Mateja (Author), ID Jamnik, Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Epigenetske modifikacije sodijo med najpomembnejše mehanizme preko katerih lahko okoljski dejavniki vplivajo na zgodnjo celično diferenciacijo in ustvarijo nove fenotipske lastnosti med nosečnostjo in v zgodnjem otroštvu, ne da bi spremenili zaporedje deoksiribonukleinske kisline. Številni predporodni in poporodni dejavniki, na primer prehrana matere in novorojenčka, izpostavljenost polutantom in sestava mikrobiote, prispevajo k vzpostavitvi epigenetskih modifikacij, ki ne vplivajo samo na posameznikovo prilagoditev okolju, ampak tudi na vseživljenjsko zdravje in bolezni s spreminjanjem signalnih poti in imunskega odziva. Poporodna črevesna kolonizacija, ki jo določa materinska mikrobiota in prehrana novorojenčka, privede do specifičnih epigenetskih modifikacij, ki lahko vplivajo na lastnosti črevesne sluznice in njihovo zaščitno vlogo pri razvoju vnetnih bolezni kasneje v življenju. Pri sesalcih sta dve glavni časovni obdobji, kjer se epigenom izbriše in ponovno vzpostavi, to sta gametogeneza in razvoj plodu. Razvoj plodu ima tri razvojne stopnje, obdobje pred implantacijo, v obdobju razvoja zarodka ter poporodna tranzicija. Zato je že prehrana ženske pred zanositvijo velik dejavnik, ki vpliva na razvoj otroka. Prav tako morata biti nosečnica v vseh stopnjah razvoja ploda in doječa mati zelo previdni pri prehrani, saj premalo raznolika hrana ali hrana bogata s posameznimi hranili privede do sprememb metilacijskih motivov, ki vplivajo na razvoj bolezni. Vloga prehrane matere v času nosečnosti in po porodu, prehrane otroka in njegove mikrobiote in drugih prehranskih dejavnikov močno vpliva pri določanju epigenetskih modifikacij in njihovih kratko- in dolgoročnih učinkov na zdravje in razvoj otroka.

Keywords:epigenetika, epigenetske spremembe, prehrana nosečnic, prehrana matere, razvoj dojenčka, mikrobiota
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Jenko]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120084 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31413251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of maternal nutrition during pregnancy and postpartum on child development
Epigenetic modifications are among the most important mechanisms through which environmental factors can influence early cell differentiation and create new phenotypic traits during pregnancy and early childhood without altering the deoxyribonucleic acid sequence. Many prenatal and postpartum factors, such as maternal and neonatal nutrition, pollutant exposure, and microbiota composition, contribute to the establishment of epigenetic modifications that affect not only an individual’s adaptation to the environment but also lifelong health and disease by altering signaling pathways and immune responses. Postpartum intestinal colonization, determined by the maternal microbiota and neonatal nutrition, leads to specific epigenetic modifications that may affect intestinal mucosal properties and their protective role in the development of inflammatory diseases later in life. In mammals, there are two main time periods where the epigenome is erased and re-established, namely gametogenesis and fetal development. Fetal development has three developmental stages, the period before implantation, the period of embryonic development, and the postpartum transition. Therefore, even woman's diet before they want to conceive is a big factor influencing a child’s development. Also, a pregnant woman at all stages of fetal development and a breastfeeding mother should be very careful in their diet, as insufficiently varied foods or foods rich in individual nutrients lead to changes in methylation motives that affect the development of the disease. The role of maternal nutrition during pregnancy and after childbirth, the child's diet and its microbiota and other nutritional factors strongly influence the determination of epigenetic modifications and their short- and long-term effects on the health and development of the child.

Keywords:epigenetics, epigenetic modifications, nutrition of pregnant women, maternal nutrition, infant development, microbiota

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