
Spodbujanje natančnejšega naravoslovnega opazovanja in razvoj grafomotorike s pomočjo namizne igre v vrtcu
ID Sernel, Nina (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Košak Babuder, Milena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6395/ This link opens in a new window

Igra je ena od tistih dejavnosti otrok, v kateri uživajo, je naravna, otroci so zanjo notranje motivirani itd. Pogosto besedo igra povezujemo z otrokom, otroštvom, brezdeljem in brezskrbnim časom. Preko igre otroci odkrivajo, spoznavajo, raziskujejo svet, ki jih obdaja ter se z njeno pomočjo tudi veliko naučijo. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno, v kolikšni meri se lahko otrokom ob igranju namizne igre »Riši Miši« izboljša naravoslovno opazovanje oziroma ali lahko igra pripomore k natančnejšemu naravoslovnemu opazovanju ter pripomore k razvoju grafomotorike. V prvem delu diplomskega dela so predstavljena pomembnejša teoretska izhodišča, kjer je opredeljena motorika in motorični razvoj, grafomotorika, razvoj zaznavanja, pojem igre ter pomen opazovanja in risbe v naravoslovnem izobraževanju. V drugem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, v kateri smo preverjali, v kolikšni meri igra »Riši Miši« pripomore k natančnejšemu naravoslovnemu opazovanju in grafomotoričnemu razvoju predšolskih otrok, ali so bila navodila igre otrokom razumljiva in ali jim je bila igra všeč. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je igra »Riši Miši« primerna tudi za predšolsko starostno skupino otrok ter da igranje namizne igre »Riši Miši« lahko že v zelo kratkem času (10 dni) izboljša natančnejše naravoslovno opazovanje otrok in njihov grafomotorični razvoj.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-120001 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28116483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Promotion of more precise natural scientific observation and development of graphomotor skills through board games in kindergarten
Play is one of those activities that children enjoy, it is natural and children are internally motivated for it. We often associate the word “play” with children, childhood, idleness, and carefree time. Through the game, children discover, get to know, explore the world around them and learn a lot with its help. In my BSc thesis, I wanted to present to what extent children can improve their natural observation while playing the board game "Riši Miši" or if the game can contribute to more accurate natural observation and help to develop graphomotor skills. The first part of thesis describes the most important theoretical starting points, where I defined motor skills and motor development, graphomotor skills, the development of perception, the concept of play and the importance of observation and drawing in science education. In the second part of the thesis, I presented the results of a study in which I checked the extent to which the game "Riši Miši" contributes to more accurate natural observation, graphomotor development of preschool children, whether the instructions were understandable to children and whether they liked the game. The results of the research showed that the game "Riši Miši" is also suitable for preschool age group of children and that playing the board game "Riši Miši" can lead to more accurate natural observation of children and their graphomotor development in a very short time (10 days).

Keywords:motor skills

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