
Hranila za zaščito delovanja jeter
ID Trampuš, Lana (Author), ID Kreft, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Jetra so zaradi detoksikacije endogenih in eksogenih toksinov izpostavljena hepatotoksičnim intermediatom in reaktivnim kisikovim spojinam, ki ob povečani količini poškodujejo celične membrane in vodijo v nekrozo hepatocitov, kar povzroči začetek in napredovanje bolezni jeter. Namen naloge je s pregledom literature preučiti encimske sisteme biotransformacije v jetrih, identificirati hranila za zaščito jeter pred oksidativnim stresom ter podrobno raziskati vpliv polnovredne hrane, prehranskih dopolnil, fitohranil in drugih komponent hrane na delovanje encimov obeh faz detoksikacije in na koncentracijo endogenih antioksidantov v jetrih. Glavni povzročitelj nastanka in napredovanja bolezni jeter je oksidativni stres, pred katerim lahko jetra zaščitimo s povečanjem antioksidativnega potenciala jetrnega tkiva, kar pripomore k normalnemu delovanju jeter in k regeneraciji jetrnega tkiva. To lahko storimo z vnosom polnovrednih živil, ki so bogata z vitamini, minerali, prehransko vlaknino in fitohranili, visok vnos le-teh pa je značilen za mediteransko prehrano, katera dokazano pripomore k zdravju jeter. Poleg tega lahko s premišljenim dodajanjem nekaterih prehranskih dopolnil, kot so vitamini, pegasti badelj, N-acetil cistein, omega 3 maščobne kisline (eikozapentaenojska kislina in dokozaheksaenojska kislina), resveratrol in številni drugi, jetra zaščitimo pred hepatotoksini in pripomoremo k regeneraciji jeter. Prehranska dopolnila niso nujna, lahko pa služijo kot nadgradnja zdrave prehrane, ki podpira normalno delovanje jeter. Za preprečevanje kontraproduktivnega učinka prehranskih dopolnil je izjemno pomembno poznavanje njihovega vpliva na encimske sisteme v jetrih ter določitev ustrezne doze, zato je zaželeno predhodno posvetovanje z zdravnikom ali farmacevtom oz. prehranskim strokovnjakom ali kliničnim dietetikom

Keywords:jetra, delovanje jeter, encimski sistemi, biotransformacija, zaščita jeter, uravnotežena prehrana, prehranska dopolnila, antioksidativni potencial
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Trampuš]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119928 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32288003 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2020
TRAMPUŠ, Lana, 2020, Hranila za zaščito delovanja jeter [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. L. Trampuš. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Protective nutrients for liver function
One of liver's functions is detoxification of endogenous and exogenous toxins, which exposes it to harmful hepatotoxic intermediates and reactive oxygen species that are a product of biotransformation reactions. Increased production of both can decrease membrane integrity and eventually cause necrosis of hepatocytes, which triggers the development of liver disease and increases their severity. The aim of this thesis was to use the existent scientific literature for studying liver biotransformation enzymes, identifying nutrients that protect the liver from oxidative stress and to conduct a thorough research on the effect of wholefoods, dietary supplements, phytonutrients and other food components on the activity of the liver biotransformation enzymes and on the levels of endogenous antioxidants in the liver. We have come to the conclusion that it is possible to protect the liver from oxidative stress with increasing the antioxidant potential of liver tissue, which contributes to normal liver function and its regeneration. It can be done with consuming wholefoods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients. A high intake of those is typical for the Mediterranean diet, which has been proven as beneficial for liver health. In addition, carefully chosen dietary supplements, such as vitamins, minerals, milk thistle, N-acetyl cysteine, omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid), resveratrol and many others can protect the liver from hepatotoxins and support its regeneration. Nevertheless, dietary supplements are not necessary, however they can be used as an upgrade to an already healthy diet that supports normal liver function. Choosing the right dietary supplement and its dosage takes a lot of knowledge of liver enzyme systems and it is essential for preventing their possible counterproductive effect. Therefore, it is recommended to seek doctor's, pharmacist's and clinical dietitian's advice before taking any dietary supplement.

Keywords:liver, liver function, enzyme systems, biotransformation, liver protection, balanced diet, dietary supplements, antioxidant potential

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