
Uporaba različnih sevov kvasovk vrste Saccharomyces cerevisiae za pripravo kruha
ID Kanc, Pia (Author), ID Požrl, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil pripraviti modelni kruh z uporabo različnih sevov kvasovk Saccharomyces cerevisiae ter primerjati tehnološke in senzorične lastnosti različnih vzorcev kruha. Spekli smo kruh z uporabo treh različnih sevov kvasovk (sev, ki dobro izrablja maltozo in je bil izoliran iz jabolčnega vina na Koroškem, vinski sev iz vinorodnega okoliša Dolenjska in komercialni pekovski kvas). Poskus smo izvedli v dveh ponovitvah za vsak sev kvasa. Primerjali smo pH testa takoj po zamesu, po fermentaciji in pH kruha. Opazili smo majhne razlike med vzorci, najnižji pH pa smo izmerili v testu po fermentaciji. Vzorcem kruha smo s kromometrom Minolto izmerili barvo skorje. Najmanj intenzivno obarvana skorja je bila pri kruhu pripravljenim s komercialnim kvasom. Izmerili smo tudi specifični volumen različnih vzorcev kruha in potrdili statistično značilne razlike med vzorci. Kruh, ki je bil narejen s komercialnim kvasom, je imel največji specifični volumen. Trdoto sredice kruha smo spremljali takoj po peki, po 1 dnevu in 2 dneh skladiščenja. Merili smo jo z napravo Texture Analyser TA XT plus. Meritve so pokazale, da se je kruh s komercialnim kvasom staral značilno najpočasneje. Pri senzoričnem ocenjevanju je bil najbolje ocenjen kruh pripravljen s komercialnim kvasom, sledil mu je kruh s sevom ZIM 3704 iz jabolčnega vina na Koroškem, ki je imel zelo prijetno aromo. Tehnološke in senzorične lastnosti kruha pripravljenega s kvasom ZIM 3704 so bile relativno podobne lastnostim kruha pripravljenega s komercialnim kvasom.

Keywords:pekovski izdelki, kruh, pšenični kruh, kvas, pekovske kvasovke, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, staranje kruha, specifični volumen kruha, trdota kruha, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[P. Kanc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119900 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32242691 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2020
KANC, Pia, 2020, Uporaba različnih sevov kvasovk vrste Saccharomyces cerevisiae za pripravo kruha [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. P. Kanc. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Different Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains application for breadmaking
The aim of the diploma thesis was to prepare model bread using different yeast strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to compare the technological and sensory properties of different bread samples. We baked bread using three different yeast strains (a strain that has good maltose exploitation and has been isolated from cider in the Koroška region, a wine strain from the Dolenjska wine-growing region and commercial baker's yeast). The experiment was performed in two replicates for each yeast strain. We compared the pH of the dough immediately after kneading, after fermentation, and the pH of the bread. Small differences between samples were observed, and the lowest pH was measured in the dough after fermentation. The color of the bread crust was measured with a Minolta chromometer. Bread prepared with commercial yeast had the least colored crust. We also measured the specific volume of different bread samples and confirmed statistically significant differences between the samples. Bread made with commercial yeast had the highest specific volume. The hardness of the bread crumb was monitored immediately after baking, after 1 day and 2 days of storage. We measured it with the Texture Analyzer TA XT plus. Measurements showed that the changes in core hardness of bread prepared with commercial yeast were significantly the smallest. Bread prepared with commercial yeast got the highest sensory evaluation score, followed by bread made with ZIM 3704, which had a very pleasant aroma. Technological and sensory properties of bread prepared with strain ZIM 3704 were relatively similar to the properties of bread prepared with the commercial yeast.

Keywords:bakery products, bread, wheat bread, yeasts, baker's yeasts, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, bread staling, specific volume of bread, hardness of bread, sensory properties

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