
Pomen baktofugiranja v mlekarstvu
ID Pajk, Kaja (Author), ID Čanžek Majhenič, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Baktofugiranje je pravzaprav centrifugiranje mleka, pri katerem odstranjujemo bakterije in njihove spore na podlagi razlike v gostoti snovi. V primerih, ko mleko za sir ni toplotno obdelano ali pa nekatere spore kljub toplotni obdelavi preživijo, se pogosto pojavi pozno napihovanje sirov, povzročeno zaradi prisotnih spor bakterij Clostridium tyrobutyricum. Le-te preživijo pasterizacijo in se kasneje, med zorenjem sira, razvijejo v vegetativne celice. Tak izdelek sicer ni zdravju škodljiv, je pa nesprejemljiv za uživanje, zato morajo tak sir zavreči. Baktofugiranje se je v raziskavah pokazalo za zelo učinkovito pri preprečevanju poznega napihovanja, saj lahko odstrani do 99 % spor in bakterij. Baktofugiranje se uporablja predvsem v proizvodnji trdih in poltrdih sirov, možna in smiselna pa bi bila njegova uporaba tudi na področjih proizvodnje topljenega sira, sirotkinih koncentratov, mleka v prahu in mlečnih formul za dojenčke. Baktofugat oz. koncentrat, ki ostane po baktofugiranju, je predvsem zmes spor in bakterij ter nekaterih mlečnih komponent. Lahko ga toplotno obdelajo in vrnejo v mleko ali zavržejo, kar pa predstavlja okoljski problem zaradi onesnaževanja, zato razvijajo nove pristope uporabe baktofugata, kot je npr. izdelava gojišč za rast mlečnokislinskih bakterij.

Keywords:mleko, centrifugiranje mleka, sir, napihovanje sirov, Clostridium tyrobutyricum, baktofugiranje, baktofuga, baktofugat
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[K. Pajk]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119899 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32423427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Significance of bactofugation in dairy industry
Bactofugation is actually centrifugation of milk in which bacteria and their spores are removed from milk due to the difference in density. When cheese milk is not heat treated or some spores survive despite the heat treatment, the late blowing defect often occurs in those cheeses, which is often caused by the spores of Clostridium tyrobutyricum. Spores, that survive heat treatment, can later develop into vegetative cells. Cheeses, in which late blowing occurs, are not harmful to health but are unacceptable for consumption so these products must be discarded. As studies show, bactofugation is very efficient in removing those spores (99 %) and thus preventing late blowing defect. It is mostly used in the production of hard and semi-hard cheeses, but it could also be used in the industry of processed cheese, whey concentrates, powdered milk and infant formulas. Bactofugate is the concentrate which mostly contains bacteria, spores and some milk components. It can be heat treated and returned into milk or discarded, which poses an environmental problem due to pollution, so new approaches are developed on how to reuse bactofugates, for example as growth media for lactic acid bacteria.

Keywords:milk, milk centrifugation, cheese, late blowing efect, Clostridium tyrobutyricum, bactofugation, bactofuge, bactofugate

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