
Vpliv urbanih zelenih površin na vrednost stanovanj : magistrsko delo št.: 32/II. PN
ID Zorko, Špela (Author), ID Cirman, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskali interakcije med urbanimi zelenimi površinami in vrednostjo nepremičnin. Kot prvi v Sloveniji smo analizirali vpliv urbanih zelenih površin na vrednost stanovanj. Zato smo najprej preučili izdelane študije v tujini, analizirali njihove rezultate ter ugotovili, da imajo urbane zelene v večini primerov pozitiven vpliv na vrednost nepremičnin v neposredni bližini. Ker so stanovanja heterogene dobrine, v analizi upoštevamo določene značilnosti stanovanj, kot so velikost, ogrevanje, starost in podobno. V delu uporabljamo hedonski model za stanovanja, da lahko izolirano proučujemo vpliv zelene površine na vrednost stanovanja.. Zaradi obvladljivosti analize in dejstva, da največji vpliv na vrednost nepremičnin predstavlja lokacija, smo se opredelili na območje obravnave, in sicer na manjše območje, ki obsega tri katastrske občine, ter tako omejili vpliv. Analizirali smo, ali je kupec pripravljen plačati več za stanovanje v bližini urbanih zelenih površin v primerjavi s stanovanjem, ki te ugodnosti nima. Izmerili smo ekonomsko vrednost urbanih zelenih površin glede na načelo bližine, ki predpostavlja, da je vrednost stanovanj višja v neposredni bližini urbanih zelenih površin ter da se njihova vrednost niža z oddaljevanjem. Izdelali smo hedonski regresijski model, ki se najbolj prilega naboru podatkov. Ker smo v obstoječih študijah ugotovili razlike glede na velikost in tip urbane zelene površine, smo analizirali tudi te karakteristike urbanih zelenih površin. Tako smo v hedonskem modelu analizirali določene značilnosti posameznega stanovanja, njegovo najkrajšo razdaljo do urbane zelene površine ter razdaljo do posamezne značilnosti urbanih zelenih površin. Rezultati raziskave lahko predstavljajo podlago za odločitev o nakupu kot naložbi v prihodnosti za kupca ali investitorja pri nakupu ali gradnji stanovanja v bližini urbanih zelenih površin in odločevalcem v prostoru kot indikacija vpliva prostorskega načrtovanja zelenih površin na vrednost stanovanj.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, PN, ekonomska vrednost, urbanizacija, zelene površine, hedonski model, načelo bližine, vrednost nepremičnin, regresijska analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Š. Zorko]
Number of pages:XII, 49 str., 3 zganj. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119876 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:38360323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of urban green spaces on the apartment value : master thesis no: 32/II. PN
In the master's thesis, we have explored the interactions between urban green space and property value. We were the first in Slovenia to analyze the impact of urban green space on the value of housing. Hence, we first examined the studies conducted abroad, analyzed their results and found that urban green space mostly has a positive impact on the value of property in the immediate proximity. Since housing represents a type of heterogeneous goods, certain characteristics of housing units such as size, heating, age etc. are taken into account in the analysis. In this thesis, we use the hedonic model for housing as to be able to study the isolated impact of green space on the housing value. For the sake of the analysis%s manageability and due to the fact that the location has the greatest impact on the value of property, we focused on the area of interest, namely a smaller area, which covers three cadastral areas, and thus placed a limit on the aforementioned impact. We analyzed whether or not a consumer is willing to pay more for housing near urban green spaces compared to housing without the benefit in question. We measured the economic value of urban green spaces with respect to the proximity principle which assumes that the value of housings units is higher in the immediate proximity of urban green spaces and that their value decreases as they get more distant. We constructed a hedonic regression model that best fits our set of data. Since we found discrepancies in the size and type of urban green spaces in existing studies, we analyzed these characteristics of urban green spaces as well. We thus analyzed certain characteristics of an individual housing unit, its shortest distance to an urban green space and the distance to an individual characteristic of urban green spaces in the hedonic model. The results of the research can form a decision-making basis for a consumer deciding to purchase property as a future investment, or for an investor purchasing or building residential property in the proximity of urban green spaces, along with the spatial decision-makers who could use the results as an indication of the impact that the green spaces spatial planning has on the value of housing.

Keywords:civil engineering, master thesis, economic value, urbanisation, green space, hedonic model, proximity principle, property value, regression analysis

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