
Preverjanje kakovosti merilnikov električne energije po standardu
ID Strnad, Gašper (Author), ID Ponikvar, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V zaključni nalogi sem predstavil postopek preizkušanja električnega števca. Preizkušanje je potrebno izvesti, da lahko proizvajalec svojo merilno opremo prodaja na trgu. V prvem delu naloge sem opisal teoretično ozadje električnih števcev, osnove statistike in merilne negotovosti. Prav tako sem opisal zakonsko ozadje, ki se tiče preizkušanja merilne opreme in bistvene zahteve in pogoje, ki veljajo za preizkušanje števcev električne energije. Preverjanje ustreznosti merilne opreme se izvaja po modulih – to so postopki za ugotavljanje ustreznosti. Preizkusi, ki sem jih izvajal so opisani v mednarodnem standardu. V njem so definirani pogoji, cilji in mejne vrednosti pogreškov za vsak posamezen preizkus. Števec sem preizkušal z merilnim sistemom vira napetosti, etalona in merilnih glav. Pogoje meritev sem nastavil s pomočjo računalniške programske opreme. Opisal sem tri preizkuse, ki sem jih opravil, merilne rezultate vsakega preizkusa in ugotovitev, ali je števec preizkus uspešno opravil.

Keywords:električni števec, pogrešek, standard, negotovost
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119854 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29916419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Checking the quality of electricity meters in accordance with standard
In this thesis I presented the process of testing an electricity meter. Testing needs to be done, so that the manufacturer can sell his measuring equipment on the market. In the first part of the thesis I described the theoretical background of electricity meters, basic statistics and measurement uncertainty. I also described the legal background, which applies to measuring equipment testing and basic demands and conditions which apply to electricity meters. Checking the adequacy of measuring equipment is implemented with the use of modules – processes for checking of compliance. The test I performed are described in an international standard. It consists of conditions, goals and limit values of measurement errors. I tested the meter with a measuring system, which consisted of a power source, a nationally accredited reference meter, and measuring heads. I set the test conditions with the use of computer software. I described three of the tests I performed, the measuring results and checking, if the meter passed the tests successfully.

Keywords:electricity meter, error, standard, uncertainty

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