
Strokovno znanje bodočih zdravstvenih delavcev o rokovanju s pacienti po možganski kapi : diplomsko delo
ID Horvat, Katja (Author), ID Mahorič, Aleksandra (Author), ID Tomšič, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Galof, Katarina (Comentor), ID Sicherl, Zorana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Možganska kap predstavlja eno od najpomembnejših epidemioloških težav razvitega sveta, ki iz leta v leto narašča. Je še vedno med glavnimi vzroki smrtonosnosti, predvsem pa trajne prizadetosti pri odraslih. Za uspešno rehabilitacijo pacientov po možganski kapi je pomembno dobro sodelovanje zdravstvenih strokovnjakov, pacienta in njegove družine. Ključna je zgodnja oziroma takojšnja rehabilitacija, saj podpira izboljševanje in pridobivanje okvarjenih funkcij, kar mnogim pomaga k čimprejšnji samostojnosti. Strokovno znanje zdravstvenih delavcev o rokovanju s pacienti po možganski kapi je izjemno pomembno, saj lahko z nepravilnim rokovanjem tudi podaljšamo čas okrevanja. Namen: Z diplomskim delom smo želeli preko ankete ugotoviti, ali se bodoči zdravstveni delavci, trenutno študentje tretjega letnika Zdravstvene fakultete v Ljubljani smeri fizioterapija, delovna terapija in zdravstvena nega zavedajo pomembnosti strokovne obravnave pacienta po preboleli možganski kapi. Metode dela: Izvedena je bila kvantitativna metoda raziskovanja, in sicer spletna anketa na spletnem mestu 1ka.si. Anketa je vsebovala petnajst vprašanj zaprtega tipa, kar pomeni, da so odgovori že podani in preprosti za obdelavo. Vprašanja so se nanašala na rokovanje pacientov po možganski kapi, ki ga vključuje razvojno-nevrološki pristop/Bobath koncept. Vzorec je tvorilo 120 študentov Zdravstvene fakultete, iz vsake smeri po 40 študentov. Rezultati: Vsi študentje v teoriji vedo, da je možganska kap nevrološki dogodek, ki privede do različnih motoričnih in kognitivnih težav; prav tako bi vsi študentje znali prepoznati, da oseba doživlja možgansko kap. Vsi študentje se tudi zavedajo pomembnosti zgodnje rehabilitacije. 87,5 % študentov zdravstvene nege meni, da so v času študija pridobili dovolj znanja za delo s pacienti po možganski kapi, nasprotno pa meni 45 % študentov fizioterapije in 40 % študentov delovne terapije. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da študentje poznajo rokovanje s pacienti po možganski kapi. Odstopanja so se pojavila pri študentih zdravstvene nege pri vprašanjih, kaj je pomembno pri pacientu po možganski kapi v postelji, polaganju predmetov v spastično dlan, sodelovanje pri izvedbi transferja in asistenci pri izvedbi osnovnih dnevnih aktivnosti. Študentje smeri fizioterapija in delovna terapija s pacienti po možganski kapi rokujejo po razvojno-nevrološkem pristopu, študentje smeri zdravstvene nege v času študija tega pristopa ne obravnavajo.

Keywords:diplomska dela, delovna terapija, možganska kap, razvojno-nevrološki pristopi, kompetence, rehabilitacija po možganski kapi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Horvat, A. Mahorič]
Number of pages:52 str., [2] str. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119851 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28177411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Specialized knowledge of future health-care workers who handle patients after a stroke : diploma work
Introduction: Stroke is recognized as one of the main epidemiological issues of the developed countries. The stroke incidence increases each year. It is still one of the main causes of death and most importantly one of the main reasons for permanent physical and mental impairment in adulthood. For a successful rehabilitation of patient after stroke is important to have good cooperation of healthcare professionals, patient and the family. Early rehabilitation is crucial for improvement and restoration of impaired body functions, which plays a major role in quickly achieving the patient’s independence. The inappropriate medical care may prolong recovery. Purpose: The aim of this thesis was to obtain information through survey in order to learn whether the future health care professionals, currently attending the third year of Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, and Nursery, at Faculty of Health Sciences are familiar with the importance of professional treatment of a patient that had a stroke. Methods: A quantitative research method was conducted as an online survey on the 1ka.si webpage. The survey consisted of 15 closed type questions, which means the answers are already suggested and easy to process. The questions were aimed at handling of patients after stroke which is implemented by developmental approach/Bobath concept. The sample included 120 students of Faculty of Health Sciences attending the third year, 40 students each from mentioned courses. Results: All of the students are familiar with theoretical concept of stroke being a neurological occurrence, which leads to various motoric and cognitive dysfunctions. Furthermore, all of the students would be able to recognize the signs of a patients having a stroke. Students are also aware of the significance of early rehabilitation. 87, 5% of Health care students believe that they have gained enough knowledge during their studies on how to work with individuals with stroke. On the contrary, 45% of the Physiotherapy students and 40% of Occupational therapy students disagree with this statement. Discussion and conclusion: The results show that students are familiar with treating the patients after they had a stroke. Obvious divergence is noticeable regarding the opinion of the students studying Nursing on questions about what is important for a patient after a stroke in bed, putting objects in a spastic hand, participating in the transfer and assisting in the implementation of basic activity days. Students of Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy follow nevrodevelopmental approach when working with stroke patients. The Nursing students did not become familiar with this approach during their studies.

Keywords:diploma theses, occupational therapy, stroke, nevrodevelopmental treatments, competencies, rehabilitation after stroke

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