
Sodobni pogoji vzgoje in izobraževanja
ID Hunjet, Hana (Author), ID Šimenc, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6382/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu opisujemo in povezujemo nekatere elemente, ki lahko in mestoma tudi že spreminjajo prepričanja o vzgoji in izobraževanju ter njunem namenu. Omenjena sprememba je posledica preobrazbe družinskega življenja, ki je spremenila pogled na otroka. S tem so se spremenila tudi prepričanja o vlogi in obliki avtoritete učiteljev_ic in staršev ter statusu vednosti v primerjavi s kompetencami, spretnostmi in veščinami ter nenazadnje socializaciji oziroma privzgajanju vrednot. V diplomski nalogi kot izhodišče vzamemo in upoštevamo elemente vzgoje in izobraževanja, ki jih opisuje knjiga Franka Furedija Zapravljeno: Zakaj šola ne izobražuje več? in ki so zaradi vplivov sodobne ekonomije vedno bolj zanemarjeni, saj v ospredje stopata strah pred negotovo prihodnostjo in skrb za uporabno znanje. Orišemo spremembe v dojemanju otroštva skozi zgodovino in s poudarkom na pojmu avtoritete, pri čemer se sklicujemo na ugotovitve iz knjige O pogojih vzgoje Dominique Ottavi, Marcela Gaucheta in Marie-Claude Blais, poskusimo problematizirati današnje pogoje vzgoje. Izhajajoč iz dela Zgodovina pedagoške zmote: Naša progresivistična dediščina od Herberta Spencerja do Johna Deweyja in Jeana Piageta Kierana Egana pokažemo, kako je razvoj znanosti in razvojne psihologije prispeval k novi definiciji otroka in njegovih potreb ter katere so njene pomanjkljivosti. Nazadnje s knjigo Christiana Lavala Šola ni podjetje: Neoliberalni napad na javno šolstvo izpostavimo spremembe v šolskih politikah, ki jih zahteva sodobni globalizirani trg. V nalogi se s pomočjo izbrane literature dotaknemo nekaterih pogledov na avtoriteto tako učiteljev_ic kot staršev, pojmovanj in statusa vednosti ter namena oziroma smisla – ali bolje – smotra vzgoje in izobraževanja in jih skušamo čim bolj povezati.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119845 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28029443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Contemporary education conditions
In this graduate thesis we describe and link some of the elements of education that can amend, and that on some occasions already have amended, beliefs concerning education and its purpose. The aforementioned amendment comes as a consequence of family life transformation, which has changed the perception of the child. Therewith have also changed beliefs about the role and the form of authority of teachers and parents, the status of knowledge in comparison with competences, abilities and skills, and socialisation: the imparting of values. The elements of education that we follow in the graduate thesis are those described by Frank Furedi in his book Wasted: Why Education Isn't Educating , which are becoming progressively neglected under the influence of modern economics, as fear of an uncertain future and heeding to useful knowledge are brought to the forefront. We sketch changes in the cognizance of childhood through history, emphasising the concept of authority, where, referring to the findings of Conditions of Education by Dominique Ottavi, Marcel Gauchet in Marie-Claude Blais, we attempt to problematise the present-day conditions of education. Deriving from Kieran Egan’s work Getting It Wrong from the Beginning:Our Progressivist Inheritance from Herbert Spencer, John Dewey, and Jean Piaget , we demonstrate how advancements in science and developmental psychology contributed to a novel definition of the child and his or her needs, and where it went amiss. Finally, by the agency of The School Is Not a Company: The Neoliberal Attack on Public Education by Christian Laval, we call attention to the changes in school politics demanded by the modern globalised market. Through the selected literature we appertain various views on the authority of both teachers and parents, the conception and status of knowledge and the intent or meaning, or better yet, the purpose of education, and seek to connect them as well as possible.


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