
ID BOŽIČ, DAVID (Author), ID Dečman, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Živimo v svetu, kjer se vse bolj srečujemo z elektronsko obliko gradiva in to obliko tudi vse pogosteje uporabljamo. Gradivo v papirni obliki še vedno nastaja, vendar v veliko manjšem obsegu kot v preteklosti. S porastom gradiva v elektronski obliki pa je zanj potrebno skrbeti skozi njegov celoten življenjski cikel in kasneje poskrbeti tudi za njegovo učinkovito in varno hrambo. Diplomsko delo smo razdelili na dva dela, in sicer na teoretični in empirični del. Teoretični del smo dodatno razdelili na štiri dele. V prvem delu smo predstavili klasično in elektronsko hrambo ter pripadajoče zakone in predpise. V drugem delu smo predstavili samo arhiviranje, možne načine za dolgoročno hrambo gradiva in življenjski cikel dokumentarnega gradiva. V tretjem delu smo predstavili elektronske arhive, v četrtem delu pa slovenski elektronski arhiv e-ARH.si. V empiričnem delu smo z zaposlenimi v arhivskih institucijah opravili anketo na temo projekta e-ARH.si, saj so prav oni ključni uporabniki novonastale tehnološke rešitve. V okviru analize je bilo ugotovljeno, da je projekt e-ARH.si ustrezna aktivnost za reševanje problematike dolgoročnega ohranjanja elektronskega arhivskega gradiva in predstavlja že zelo potreben korak k modernizaciji delovanja Arhiva Republike Slovenije in regionalnih arhivov. Za uspešno delovanje projekta pa bo treba v prihodnje zagotavljati predvsem zadostno količino finančnih in drugih virov. Vzpostavitev projekta bo uporabnikom omogočala boljši dostop in olajšano oddajanje ter uporabo gradiva. Koristnost se kaže tako na strani arhivov, ki gradivo prejemajo, kot tudi tistih, ki gradivo oddajajo oz. do njega dostopajo, saj bo sam proces s pomočjo informacijske tehnologije hitrejši in učinkovitejši.

Keywords:dolgoročna hramba, elektronsko arhiviranje, dokumentarno gradivo, arhiv
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Božič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28108035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2020
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We live in a world where we increasingly encounter electronic form of material and we are also using this form more and more often. Material in paper form is still being created, but to a much lesser extent than in the past. With the growth of material in electronic form, it is necessary to take care of it throughout its entire life cycle and later to take care of its efficient and safe storage. This diploma thesis was divided into two parts, the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part was further divided into four parts. In the first part, we presented the classic and electronic storage and related laws and regulations. In the second part, we presented archiving in general, possible ways for long-term storage of material, and the life cycle of documentary material. In the third part, we presented electronic archives, and in the fourth part the Slovenian public electronic archives e-ARH.si. In the empirical part, we conducted a survey with employees of archival institutions on the topic of the e-ARH.si project, as they are the key users of this newly created technological solution. As part of the analysis, it was established that the e-ARH.si project is an appropriate solution for solving the problem of long-term preservation of electronic archives, and represents a much-needed step towards modernizing the operation of the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and regional archives. In order for the project to work successfully, it will be necessary to provide a sufficient amount of financial and other resources in the future. The establishment of the project will enable better access and easier submission and use of materials for users. The project is useful both for the archives that receive the material, as well as for those who submit the material or. access it, as the process itself will be faster and more efficient with the help of information technology.

Keywords:long-term storage, electronic archiving, documentary material, archive

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