
Kreativno zunanje oglaševanje
ID Judež, Klara (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti področje zunanjega oglaševanja. Osredotočili smo se na zunanje oglaševanje ter na kreativne in drugačne plakate oz. druge zunanje oglaševalske rešitve. Diplomsko delo lahko razdelimo na dva dela. Prvi del je teoretični v katerem smo se posvetili in raziskali teorijo, ki stoji za zunanjim kreativnim oglaševanjem. Opisali smo pojem oglaševanje, zgodovino in vrste le-tega, pojem kreativnost in nenazadnje tudi kreativno oglaševanje. Poznavanje pojmov in dobrih praks je potrebno za nadaljno delo. V drugem delu pa se osredotočimo na praktični del. V tem delu smo preko intervjujev in vprašalnikov analizirali odmevne kampanije po svetu in preučili slovenski kreativni oglaševalski trg. Ugotovili smo, kako kreativne rešitve vplivajo na človeka in v kakšni meri. Ob vsem tem, pa smo oblikovali tudi lastne kreativne plakate za realno podjetje. Po končanem praktičnem delu smo svoje delo tudi analizirali in ocenili, ali je bilo uspešno narejeno.

Keywords:veleplakat, kreativnost, oglaševanje, oblikovanje, plakati
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119794 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2020
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Title:Creative outdoor advertising
The purpose of this thesis is to study the field of outdoor design. We focused on out-door advertising as well as on creative and different posters, specifically on other external advertising solutions. We can divide our thesis into two sections. The first section is theoretical, in which we focus on and explore the theory behind creative outdoor design. We discuss the concept of advertising, its history and types, the concept of creativity and, last but not least, creative advertising. Knowledge of these concepts and good practices was necessary for further work that we undertook. We focused on the practical part in the second section of the thesis. In this part, using interviews and questionnaires, we analyzed high-profile cam-paigns from around the world and examined the Slovenian creative advertising market. From this analysis and examination, we determined how, and to what extent, crea-tive solutions affect people. Using the information we garnered, we designed our own creative billboards for an actual company. After the practical portion was completed, we analyzed our work and assessed whether it was done successfully.

Keywords:billboard, creativity, advertising, design, posters

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