
Vloga in pomen šolske svetovalne službe v sistemu javnega šolstva : magistrsko delo
ID Mijatović, Tina (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in raziskovalnega dela. V teoretičnem delu skozi veljavno dokumentacijo, zakonodajo in navedbe avtorjev predstavim značilnosti odraščanja v sodobni družbi ter v šolskem in družinskem okolju. Ob pregledu literature in obstoječih raziskav se podrobneje posvetim tudi duševnemu zdravju slovenskih otrok in mladostnikov ter opišem, kakšno vlogo ima pri delu z njimi šolska svetovalna služba kot ena izmed oblik strokovne pomoči in podpore, ki naj bi bila otrokom in mladostnikom najbolj dostopna, saj je v sistemu javnega šolstva obvezna. V raziskovalnem delu predstavim ugotovitve kvantitativne raziskave, ki sem jo izvedla s pomočjo 250 otrok in mladostnikov. Predvsem me je zanimalo, na katerih področjih otroci in mladostniki doživljajo največ stisk in s kom se ob njih pogovorijo. Zanimalo me je, v kolikšni meri so seznanjeni z obstojem in vlogo šolske svetovalne službe ter kolikšno potrebo imajo po njej. Rezultati kažejo, da otroci in mladostniki največ stisk doživljajo na šolskem področju in področju lastne samopodobe. Ob doživljanju stisk se najpogosteje obrnejo na prijatelja ali sošolca, sicer pa se raje pogovorijo z mamo kot z očetom. Več otrok in mladostnikov se celo raje ne pogovarja, kot da bi se pogovorili z očetom, kar nekaj pa jih navaja, da nimajo zmeraj na voljo vsaj ene osebe za pogovor. Manjši odstotek otrok in mladostnikov navaja, da niso seznanjeni z obstojem šolske svetovalne službe na njihovi šoli, medtem ko jih precej več priznava, da niso seznanjeni z njeno vlogo. Skoraj tretjina jih je sicer že bila v situaciji, da bi se želeli pogovoriti s šolsko svetovalno delavko, pa se za to niso odločili, prevladujoči razlogi za to pa so predvsem sram, občutek, da zmorejo sami, in premajhna informiranost. Otroci in mladostniki se v šolskem in domačem okolju ter v prostem času počutijo relativno dobro – od omenjenih področij se najslabše počutijo v šoli in so relativno precej zaskrbljeni glede nadaljnjega šolanja in poklicne usmeritve. Glede na pridobljene rezultate in nekatere ugotovitve iz literature sem oblikovala tudi nekaj predlogov, ki jih navajam ob koncu.

Keywords:mladina, sodobno odraščanje, duševno zdravje, javno šolstvo, šolsko svetovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Mijatović]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119781 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37533443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Role and Importance of School Counselling Service in Public Education System
This master thesis consists of the theoretical part and research. In the theoretical part, which is based on valid documentation, legislation and quotations of the authors, I have presented the characteristics of growing up in modern society as well as in school and family environment. While reviewing the literature and existing researches, I focused in more detail on the mental health of Slovene children and youth. Thus, I have described the role of the school counselling service as one of the forms of professional help and support that should be the most accessible to children and adolescents, since it is obligatory in the public education system. In the research part of the thesis, I have presented the findings of quantitative research, which was conducted with the help of 250 children and adolescents. I was mostly interested in which fields do children and adolescents experienced the most distress and whom they addressed it to. I was also interested in, to what extent they were aware of the existence and the role of the school counselling service and how much they needed and used it. The results have shown that children and adolescents experience the most distress in the school environment and in the field of their self-esteem. When experiencing distress, they most often turn to a friend or a classmate to talk to; otherwise, they prefer to talk to their mother rather than their father. Most children and adolescent even prefer not to talk at all rather than entrust their problems to their father. Quite a few stated that they did not always have a person available to discuss their problems. A smaller percentage of children and adolescents stated that they were not aware of the existence of a school counselling service at their school, while a much higher percentage stated they were not aware of its role. Almost a third of survey participants were already in a situation, when they wanted to talk to a school counsellor, but they did not decide to do so. The predominant reasons for such a decision were mainly shame, the feeling that they could resolve the problem on their own or insufficient information. Children and adolescents feel relatively well in school, their home environment and in their free time. Among the mentioned environments, they feel the worst at school and are relatively concerned about further education and career guidance. According to the obtained results and some findings from the literature, I have also made some suggestions, which are listed at the end.

Keywords:Youth, Modern Upbringing, Mental Health, Public Education, School Counselling

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