
Inkluzija slabovidne deklice v vrtec : magistrsko delo
ID Pogačnik, Karmen (Author), ID Videmšek, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu na začetku teoretično opredelim terminologijo na področju otrok s posebnimi potrebami, definiram, kdo so slepi in slabovidni otroci, in opišem njihov specifičen razvoj. Predstavim celostno zgodnjo obravnavo predšolskih otrok s posebnimi potrebami, ki je osnovana na novem zakonu (ZOPOPP), definiram centre za zgodnjo obravnavo, ki so temelj izvajanja tega zakona, in opišem multidisciplinarne time. Podrobneje opišem Center IRIS, ki izvaja zgodnjo obravnavo na področju slepote in slabovidnosti. Zaradi pogostega nerazumevanja in menjavanja izrazov integracija in inkluzija sem naslednje poglavje v celoti namenila definiranju teh dveh konceptov. Bolj podrobno sem se posvetila inkluziji, ki je bila tudi predmet raziskovanja. Nadaljevala sem z implementacijo inkluzivne vzgoje v vrtcu, kjer sem se dotaknila vključitve v program, vloge strokovnih delavcev v oddelku, vloge dodatne strokovne pomoči, sodelovanja s starši in socialnega vključevanja slepih in slabovidnih v skupino. Teoretični uvod sem zaključila s kratko predstavitvijo tehnike sociometrične preizkušnje, ki sem jo v vrtcu izvedla, da sem dobila notranji vpogled v socialne strukture v skupini. Zanimala me je namreč dekličina sprejetost z vidika drugih otrok. V empiričnem delu sem oblikovala raziskovalna vprašanja, na katere sem poskušala odgovoriti s pomočjo intervjujev s posamezniki, ki so pomembni pri dekličini inkluziji – starši, strokovni delavci v vrtcu (vzgojiteljica, pomočnica vzgojiteljice, spremljevalka) in tiflopedagoginja. S tem sem z več različnih kotov osvetlila dotični primer inkluzije. Zanimala me je usposobljenost strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu pri delu s slabovidnim otrokom in podpora, ki jo dobijo pri svojem delu. Zanimalo me je tudi, kdo staršem nudi podporo in kako medsebojno sodelujejo s tiflopedagoginjo in strokovnimi delavci v vrtcu. Ugotavljala sem, kako je deklica vključena v svojo skupino, kakšne koristi prinaša inkluzija in s kakšnimi izzivi so se strokovni delavci, deklica in skupina pri tem soočali. Za konec me je zanimalo še mnenje intervjuvancev, kako bi inkluzijo slepih in slabovidnih v prihodnje lahko izboljšali.

Keywords:otroci s posebnimi potrebami, zgodnja celostna obravnava, Center IRIS, predšolska vzgoja, študija primera
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Pogačnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119780 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37859075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Inclusion of a visually impaired girl in kindergarten
In the beginning of the master's thesis I theoretically determine the terminology in the field of children with special needs, define who blind and visually impaired children are and describe their specific development. I present a comprehensive early treatment of pre-school children with special needs, which is based on the new law (ZOPOPP), define the early treatment centers, which are the basis for the implementation of this law, and describe multidisciplinary teams. I describe more in detail the IRIS Center, which provides early treatment in the field of blindness and low vision. Due to the frequent misunderstanding and confusion of the terms integration and inclusion, I have devoted the next chapter entirely to defining these two concepts. I focused more on inclusion, which was also the subject of my research. I continued with the implementation of inclusive education in kindergarten, where I talk about inclusion in the program, the role of professionals in the department, the role of additional professional assistance, cooperation with parents and social inclusion of the blind and visually impaired in the group. I concluded the theoretical part with a short presentation of the sociometric test technique, which I performed in kindergarten to gain an inside vision into the social structures in the group. I was interested in the girl's acceptance from the point of view of other children. In the empirical part, I formulated research questions, which I tried to answer through interviews with individuals who are important in the girl's inclusion - parents, kindergarten professionals (educator, assistant educator, companion) and a typhlo-pedagogue. In doing so, I illuminated the case of inclusion in question from several different angles. I was interested in the training of kindergarten professionals in working with a visually impaired child and the support they receive in their work. I was also interested in who offers support to parents and how they interact with the typhlo-pedagogue as well as the professional staff in the kindergarten. I established how the girl is included in her group, what the benefits of inclusion are and what challenges the professionals, the girl and the group have faced along the way. Finally, I was interested in the opinion of the interviewees on how the inclusion of the blind and visually impaired could be improved in the future.

Keywords:children with special needs, early comprehensive treatment, IRIS Center, pre-school education, case study

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