
Negorljivi materiali kot zaščita pri požarih
ID Širec, Matjaž (Author), ID Bešter Rogač, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Negorljivi materiali se uporabljajo povsod, kjer obstajajo vsaj minimalne možnosti nastanka požara. To so lahko materiali, ki jih uporabljamo v gradbeništvu, pri izdelavi osebne varovalne opreme za zaščito pred visokimi temperaturami ali pa pri opremi, ki jo uporabljamo ljudje za lažje rokovanje z vročimi predmeti. V svoji diplomski nalogi sem se osredotočil na negorljivo osebno varovalno opremo, dodal pa sem tudi nekatere negorljive gradbene materiale in navedel standarde, ki se uporabljajo za njihovo klasifikacijo. Poleg okolja brez oksidacijskega sredstva in okolja brez zadostne temperature za vžig je uporaba negorljivega materiala je ena od treh metod zaščite pred požarom. Standardi določajo preizkusne metode in zahteve za negorljive materiale, na podlagi katerih lahko proizvajalci vedo, v kakšnih okoliščinah se lahko izdelki iz teh materialov uporabljajo. Negorljiva osebna varovalna oprema je lahko sestavljena iz materialov oz. vlaken, ki so že sama po sebi negorljiva (aramidi, ogljikova vlakna, modal akrili, polibenzimidazol), ali materialov, ki jih moramo obdelati, da postanejo negorljivi (plastične mase npr. polibutilen tereftalat, silikonski kavčuk, nenasičene poliesterske smole …). Z apreturami pa lahko obdelamo tudi celulozo, bombaž in volno, da dobimo negorljiva zaščitna oblačila, vendar se s pranjem ta zaščita odstranjuje.

Keywords:negorljivi materiali, požar, osebna varovalna oprema, zaščita
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119694 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31561219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
ŠIREC, Matjaž, 2020, Negorljivi materiali kot zaščita pri požarih [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Incombustible materials for protection against fire
Non-combustible materials are used wherever there is at least a minimal risk of fire. These can be materials used in construction, in the manufacture of personal protective equipment to protect against high temperatures, or in equipment used by people to facilitate the handling of hot objects. In my thesis, I focused on non-combustible personal protective equipment, but also added some non-combustible building materials and listed the standards used for their classification. Besides an environment without oxidizing agents and an environment without sufficient ignition temperature, the use of non-combustible materials is one of the three methods of fire protection. The standards define test methods and requirements for non-combustible materials, which enable manufacturers to know the circumstances under which products made of these materials may be used. Non-flammable personal protective equipment may consist of materials or. fibers that are inherently non-flammable (aramides, carbon fibers, modal acrylates, polybenzimidazole), or of materials that must be treated to become non-flammable (plastics, e.g. polybutylene terephthalate, silicone rubber, unsaturated polyester resins, etc). Finishes can also be used to convert cellulose, cotton and wool into non-flammable protective clothing, but this protection is removed by washing.

Keywords:non-combustible materials, fire, personal protective equipment, protection

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