My Master's Thesis presents the regulation of pensioners' temporary or occasional work. Given the rapid aging of the population and the ensuing unsustainability of the pension scheme, the Labour and/or Social Law, precisely the part regulating the work of pensioners, is becoming an increasingly interesting area of law.
In the Master’s Thesis, temporary or occasional work is presented from the point of view of the legislative regulation or legal gaps, as well as from the point of view of constitutional principles and rights. The extent of temporary or occasional work in practice is an excellent indicator of the effectiveness and relevance of the institute, while the absence of case law on temporary or occasional work leaves numerous open questions. Moreover, it is interesting to assess the institute in comparison with the regulations of other countries and to assess the restrictions imposed by temporary or occasional work, in terms of other options or forms of work that can be performed by pensioners in addition to temporary or occasional work. With the increase of temporary or occasional work in practice we can expect a number of problems related to deficient regulation and excessive restrictions that will lead to future changes in the field of legislation.