
Določitev izbranih kovin v površinski vodi z ICP-OES in ocena njihovih vplivov na zdravje ljudi
ID Hajrlahović, Haris (Author), ID Novosel, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomskega dela smo določali vsebnost težkih kovin v površinski vodi potoka Drtijščice z namenom ocenitve njihovih vplivov na zdravje ljudi. Določali smo arzen (As), kadmij (Cd), kobalt (Co), krom (Cr), baker (Cu), molibden (Mo), nikelj (Ni), svinec (Pb), selen (Se) in cink (Zn). Terensko delo - vzorčenje smo opravili februarja 2020, takrat smo odvzeli šest vzorcev na šestih različnih odvzemnih mestih. Vzorce smo prefiltrirali in redčili z 1 % dušikovo kislino. Za določevanje kovin v vodi smo uporabili akreditirano analitsko tehniko induktivno sklopljeno plazemsko atomsko emisijsko spektroskopijo (ICP-OES), ki nam je, v enem vzorcu, omogočala določevanje več kovin hkrati. Za pripravo standardnih raztopin smo uporabili multi-standardno raztopino Merck (VI) KGaA. Dobljene koncentracije smo primerjali z mejnimi in priporočenimi vrednostmi iz domače in tuje zakonodaje ter drugimi verodostojnimi študijami. Rezultati so pokazali povišane koncentracije Se in Co, saj je vrednost teh dveh kovin v vseh šestih vzorcih presegala mejne vrednosti iz slovenske zakonodaje. Prav tako so bile na večih odvzemnih mestih presežene koncentracije Pb, As, Cd in Cu. Izmerjene vrednosti Zn in Cr v nobenem vzorcu niso presegale mejnih vrednosti. Vrednosti Mn, Mo in Ni so bile, v glavnem, pod mejo detekcije, kar pomeni, da je bila koncentracija teh kovin v vzorcih premajhna, da bi jo aparatura lahko zaznala. Povišane koncentracije skoraj polovice od preiskovanih težkih kovin v površinski vodi, nakazujejo na slabo ekološko stanje preiskovanega vodnega telesa, kar lahko vpliva na zdravje okoliških prebivalcev in vodne organizme.

Keywords:težke kovine, površinske vode, ICP-OES, vpliv na zdravje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119636 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30224387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Determination of selected metals in surface water by ICP-OES and assessment of their effects on human health
As part of my bachelor's degree, we determined the content of heavy metals in the surface water of Drtijščica stream in order to assess their impact on human health. In the water we determined arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), baking (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn). The submitted work, i.e. sampling, was carried out in the February 2020 when six samples were taken at six different sampling points. The samples were then filtered and diluted with 1% nitric acid. For the determination of metals in water, we used the accredited method of inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP- OES), which enabled us to determine several metals in one sample simultaneously. A multi-standard solution from Merck (VI) KGaA was used to prepare the standard solutions. The results of our study were then compared with the maximum permitted and recommended concentrations from domestic and foreign legislation and other credible studies. The results showed an increased concentration of Se and Co, as the value of the two metals in all six samples exceeded the limits set by Slovenian legislation. The concentrations of Pb, As, Cd and Cu also exceeded the limit values at most of the sampling points. The measured values of Zn and Cr did not exceed the limit values in any sample. The values of Mn, Mo and Ni were mainly below the detection limit, which means that the concentration of these metals was too low for detection with the ICP- OES device. Elevated concentrations of almost half of the investigated heavy metals, indicate a poor ecological status, which can definitely have an effect on human health and aquatic organisms.

Keywords:heavy metals, surface waters, ICP-OES, health effects

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