
Razvoj prototipa turistične aplikacije, ki temelji na obogateni resničnosti
ID BREMŠAK, MANCA (Author), ID Meža, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Obogatena resničnost je tehnologija, ki nam preko pametnih naprav nad sliko realnega sveta izriše grafične elemente. Diplomsko delo opisuje proces razvoja prototipa aplikacije nadgrajene z obogateno resničnostjo. Aplikacija je namenjena turistom, za lažje in hitrejše pridobivanje informacij med potovanjem. Ko kamera pametne naprave zazna znamenitost, se na ekranu pojavijo grafični elementi z nazivom atrakcije ter dodatne informacije. V prvem delu opisujem teoretično plat obogatene resničnosti, kjer predstavim samo tehnologijo, področja uporabe, pomen v turistični industriji in predstavim uporabljene tehnologije. V drugem delu je predstavljen proces razvoja aplikacije, testiranje na uporabnikih, sklepne ugotovitve in možnosti za nadaljni razvoj.

Keywords:Obogatena resničnost, Wikitude, Unity, mobilna aplikacija, turizem
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119605 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Development of augmented reality tourist application prototype
Augmented reality is a technology that overlays graphic elements over the image of the real world via smart devices. The thesis describes the process of developing a prototype of a augmented reality application. The application is intended for tourists, for easier and faster retrieval of information during their travels. When the smartphone's camera recognizes a landmark, the screen is overlayed with the name of the landmark and a info button for further information. In the first part, I describe the theoretical side of augmented reality, where I present the technology, fields of use, importance in the tourism industry and present the technologies used in the development stages. The second part presents the application development process, user testing, conclusions and possibilities for further development.

Keywords:Augmented Reality, Wikitude, Unity, mobile application, tourism

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