
Zaznamovani: Otroštvo v času druge svetovne vojne
ID Pipan, Urban (Author), ID Repe, Božo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na raziskovanje otroštva v času druge svetovne vojne na Gorenjskem, ki je spadalo v nemško okupacijsko cono. V sklopu diplomske naloge je bilo izvedenih 18 intervjujev z ljudmi, ki so bili rojeni med leti 1930 in 1940 in so v času nemške okupacije živeli na Gorenjskem. Intervjuvanci so podali svoje spomine na vojno, lakoto, šolanje, obisk cerkva, vsakdan, prosti čas, igro, nasilje, represijo, strah, udeležence v vojni in konec vojne ter sedanja mnenja na to obdobje svojega življenja. Poudarek je bil na primerjavi izvedenih intervjujev in prepoznavanju faktorjev, ki – glavni so bili starost, lokacija in pripadnost družine – so najbolj vplivali na dojemanje vojne in vsakdana med vojno pri otrocih.

Keywords:Otroštvo, druga svetovna vojna, Gorenjska, okupacija, spomini
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119600 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Marked: Childhood during the Second World War
The Thesis focuses on the childhood of people living through the Nazi occupation of the Gorenjska region. As part of the thesis 18 people,who were born between 1930 and 1940 and have lived through the Nazi occupation of the Gorenjska region, have been interviewed. As part of the interview, the interviewees told of their memories of the war, hunger, education, church attendance, everyday life, free time, games they played, violence, oppression, fear, active participants in the war, and the end of the war. In addition to that, they also stated their current views on this time of their lives. The emphasis was made in comparing the interviews as to determine the effect that age, location and family background had on the experiences that the interviewees had during the war and what impact it had on their childhood.

Keywords:Childhood, World War Two, Gorenjska, Occupation, Memories

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