
Problematika zastajanja in sanacije mulja v Zbiljskem jezeru
ID Pipan, Urban (Author), ID Trobec, Tajan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Proces zamuljevanja je prisoten na domala vseh akumulacijah pred hidroelektrarnami, med drugim tudi na Zbiljskem jezeru. Zaradi prevelike količine usedlega mulja so v Zbiljskem jezeru izvedli sanacijo že med letoma 1995 in 1997. Zaradi ponovnega kopičenja mulja v jezeru bo tak poseg v bližnji prihodnosti verjetno treba ponoviti. V zaključni seminarski nalogi je predstavljen vpliv mulja na vodno akumulacijo Zbiljskega jezera ter posledice prevelikih količin le-tega. Prav tako so predstavljene uveljavljene sanacije in ravnanje z izčrpanim muljem. Glede na sanacije so bile izdelane smernice o tem, kako najoptimalneje izvesti novo sanacijo mulja na območju Zbiljskega jezera. Po ugotovitvah zaključne seminarske naloge bi bilo najbolje, da bi iz območja prvotne deponije, torej območja Zbiljske dobrave, načrpan mulj iz prvotne sanacije premestili na območje gramoznih jam v bližini jezera. Mulj, ki bi se ga izčrpalo na območju Zbiljskega jezera pod vasjo, kjer prihaja do največjega zastajanja mulja, pa bi se odlagalo na območje prvotne deponije.

Keywords:Zbiljsko jezero, mulj, sanacija, hidroelektrarna Medvode, hidrogeografija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119599 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The issues of stagnation and remediation of silt in Lake Zbilje
The process of silt stagnation is present in all bodies of water that are situated in front of hydroelectric power plants, Lake Zbilje being no exception. Due to the copious amounts of silt deposits in Lake Zbilje, a remediation of silt has already been carried out in 1995 and 1997. Now it seems another remediation of silt deposits will be needed as silt has once again accumulated in the lake. The effects of silt in Lake Zbilje and their consequences will be presented in the thesis. In addition to that, the thesis will also present established practices of silt remediation and the handling of silt once drained. Based on these practices, guidelines on how to best preform the remediation of silt in Lake Zbilje were made, so it may be used when the time calls for it. The findings of this Thesis show that the best course of action would be to relocate the silt deposits that were drained in the original remediation from the original depot, that is the area of the Zbije Dobrava, to the area of gravel pits near the lake, while the newly drained silt deposits, drained from the lake under the village where the majority of the of silt is blocked off, would deposit itself on the area of the original depot.

Keywords:Lake Zbilje, Silt, Remediation, hydroelectric power plant Medvode, Hydrogeography

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