
Filogenetska analiza proteinov družine FET pri sesalcih
ID Polanec, Klementina (Author), ID Župunski, Vera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Proteini družine FET (proteini FUS, EWS in TAF15) so RNA- in DNA-vezavni proteini, ki v celicah opravljajo številne funkcije. Na več nivojih regulirajo izražanje genov, vzdržujejo stabilnost mRNA in tvorijo stresna zrnca. Primarno so proteini jedrni, lahko pa prehajajo tudi v citoplazmo. Razporeditev domen je pri vseh proteinih enaka, prav tako pa so vsem z bioinformatskimi metodami določili prionom podobno domeno. Mutacije proteinov FET so povezane z nekaterimi nevrodegenerativnimi boleznimi, zato so pomembno področje za raziskovanje. Za bolezensko stanje so značilni proteinski agregati v citoplazmi, proteini pa s tem pridobijo toksično funkcijo ali pa izgubijo svoje normalne funkcije. V okviru diplomske naloge smo z različnimi bioinformatskimi metodami analizirali proteine družine FET. S pomočjo filogenetske analize smo preučili njihovo evolucijo znotraj sesalcev in jo primerjali z evolucijo sesalskih vrst. Ugotovili smo, da se filogenetski odnosi posameznih proteinov FUS, EWS in TAF15 v glavnem ujemajo z evolucijo sesalskih vrst. Analizo evolucije smo pri proteinu FUS razširili tudi na vretenčarje, vendar so bile vrednosti pristopa ponovnega vzorčenja (angl. bootstrap) prenizke, da bi bili evolucijski odnosi zanesljivi. Ugotovili smo, da so se geni, ki zapisujejo proteine FET, podvojili že pred nastankom posameznih sesalskih vrst. Prav tako smo analizirali ohranjenost domene QGSY proteina EWS pri vretenčarjih in potrdili, da je tirozin bolj ohranjen kot preostale aminokisline, ki se v domeni pojavijo podobno pogosto. Poleg tirozina smo kot pogosto ohranjenega identificirali tudi glutamin. Analizo o ohranjenosti aminokislin znotraj domene QGSY bi lahko še nadgradili, tako da bi jo razširili še na preostala proteina družine FET.

Keywords:FUS, EWS, TAF15, filogenija, domena QGSY
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119592 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30669571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Title:Phylogenetic analysis of mammalian FET family
Members of the FET protein family (FUS, EWS and TAF15) are RNA- and DNA-binding proteins that have several roles in cells. They regulate gene expression at many levels, maintain mRNA stability and form stress granules. Primarily, FET proteins can be found in the nucleus, but they can also be transported into the cytoplasm. All FET proteins have the same domain architecture and previous bioinformatic analyses showed that they all possess a prion-like domain. Mutations in FET proteins have been linked to some neurodegenerative diseases, making them an important research topic. The most common pathology seen in patients are cytoplasmic protein aggregates, which can result in a toxic gain of function or loss of FET proteins' normal function. In this work we analysed the FET protein family with different bioinformatic tools. Phylogenetic analyses revealed how the proteins had evolved in mammals and we compared the results with the evolution of mammalian species. We showed that the phylogenetic relationships of individual FUS, EWS and TAF15 mostly match the evolution of mammalian species. We tried to expand the evolution analysis of FUS to vertebrates, however the bootstrap values were too low to allow reliable interpretation of the evolutionary relationships. We discovered that the genes encoding FET proteins had duplicated prior to diversification of mammalian species. We also analysed the conservation of the EWS QGSY domain within vertebrates and confirmed that tyrosine is the most conserved compared to other amino acids of similar frequency within the domain. Along with tyrosine, glutamine was shown to also be frequently conserved. The analysis of amino acid conservation within the QGSY domain could be further expanded to include the other proteins of the FET family.

Keywords:FUS, EWS, TAF15, phylogeny, QGSY domain

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