
Borba slovenskega jezika s senco kljukastega križa v romanih Valentina Polanška : diplomsko delo
ID Štular, Nina (Author), ID Bjelčevič, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava romane Valentina Polanška, v katerih spoznavamo pretresljive usode koroških Slovencev, ki so neizmerno ljubili svojo domačo zemljo. Avtobiografski roman Križ s križi opisuje Polanškovo mladost, v kateri se je bil že zelo zgodaj prisiljen soočati z nasilnim nacističnim režimom in tragično smrtjo svojcev. V vseh romanih je veliko poudarka na odrešilni moči ljubezni in glasbe. Slovenska pesem, ki je bila v času vzpona nacizma tako preganjana, je tudi partizanom vlivala moč in jih hrabrila. Polanšek je z zanosom opisal partizansko življenje v romanu Bratovska jesen, kjer spremljamo zgodbo bratov Domna in Matevža, ki temelji na resničnih osebah, bratih Šorli. Roman Sla po svobodi je bil napisan po pričevanjih partizana Janeza Wutteja - Luca in z večjo mero realizma opisuje borbo slovenskih koroških partizanov.

Keywords:koroški Slovenci, narodnoosvobodilno gibanje, slovenski jezik, Križ s križi, Bratovska jesen, Sla po svobodi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Štular]
Number of pages:72 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119586 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.163.6.09Polanšek V.
COBISS.SI-ID:28691971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Fight of Slovenian Language with the Shadow of the Crooked Cross in the Novels of Valentin Polanšek
The diploma thesis explores the novels of Valentin Polanšek, which present us with shocking fate of Carinthian Slovenes who loved their homeland with infinite passion. The autobiographical novel Križ s križi describes Polanšek's youth and the cause of many tragic deaths of his loved ones – the violent Nazi regime he was forced to confront with very early on in his life. In all his novels he puts a lot of emphasis on the force of love and music which represent a lifeline. The Slovenian song, which was frowned upon and banished from public life in the time of the Nazi ascent, was the source of power that ignited courage also in the hearts of the partisans. Polanšek with great zeal describes how the partisan life looks like in the novel Bratovska jesen, where the story of two brothers Šorli – Domen and Matevž, is presented. The novel Sla po svobodi was written according to the oral reports of a partisan Janez Wutte - Luc in a more realistic manner and describes the fight of Slovenian Carinthian partisans.

Keywords:Carinthian Slovenes, National Liberation War, Slovenian language, Križ s križi, Bratovska jesen, Sla po svobodi

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