
Efekt samopopravljivosti v betonih
ID Černic, Taja (Author), ID Marinšek, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo predstavlja pregled najrazličnejše strokovne literature in dosedanjih raziskav na temo samopopravljivega betona. Beton je nepogrešljiv material današnjega sveta. Njegova velika pomanjkljivost je nagnjenost k razpokam, ki bi jo z efektom samopopravljivosti v betonih lahko odpravili. Samopopravljivi beton je namreč definiran kot sposobnost betona, da sam popravi svoje razpoke. Obstaja več različnih procesov samopopravljivosti, ki jih v osnovi delimo na avtogene in avtonomne. Avtogeni proces je naravni pojav samoceljenja, s katerim se celijo manjše razpoke. Problem nastane pri razpokah večjih dimenzij, pri katerih pridejo v poštev avtonomni procesi. To so procesi, pri katerih se uporablja sredstvo za samopopravljivost, ki ga pri klasični sestavi betona ni. Glede na sestavo sredstva tako ločimo kemične in biološke procese samopopravljivosti. Pri kemičnih procesih v beton dodamo sredstvo za samopopravljivost, sestavljeno iz različnih kemikalij, medtem ko je pri biološkem procesu sredstvo sestavljeno iz bakterij in organskega hranila. Med raziskovalci je najbolj razširjen biološki proces. Večina raziskovalcev je mnenja, da je ta ideja naša prihodnost. Njihova mnenja se razlikujejo le v tem, katere bakterije in organska hranila so najučinkovitejša ter katera tehnika dodajanja sredstva za samopopravljivost je najboljša. Vsi si namreč želijo trdnejšega, trpežnejšega in trajnejšega betona.

Keywords:beton, efekt samopopravljivosti, sredstvo za samopopravljivost, bakterije, kalcijev karbonat
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119515 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29802243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The self-healing effect of concrete
This thesis presents an overview of the scientific literature and the research done up until now on the topic of self-healing concrete. Concrete is an indispensable material in the modern world. Its great fault is that it is prone to cracking, but the self-healing effect could help solve this. Self-healing concrete is defined as a type of concrete that can repair its own cracks. There are many types of self-healing, which can be fundamentally divided into autogenous and autonomous. An autogenous process is the intrinsic ability to self-heal and fix smaller cracks. Problems arise with larger cracks, and this is where autonomous processes come into play. These processes are based on a healing agent that ordinary concrete does not contain. Based on the composition of the substance, we can differentiate between chemical and biological self-healing processes. In the chemical versions, the healing agent is made up of various chemicals, while in the biological ones, the substance is composed of bacteria and organic nutrients. The latter idea has been shared the most among researchers and is the topic of numerous studies. Most researchers agree that this idea could represent our future. Their opinions differ only on which bacteria and nutrients are the most effective and on the ideal technique for adding the self-heal substance. Because they all want the strongest, sturdiest and longest-lasting concrete, of course.

Keywords:concrete, self-healing effect, healing agent, bacteria, calcium carbonate

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