
Optimiranje toplotne obdelave debele pločevine iz nerjavnih jekel
ID Zgonc, Dejan (Author), ID Kosec, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dupleksna in superdupleksna jekla blagovne znamke Sinoxx 4462 in Sinoxx 4410 največjega slovenskega proizvajalca jekla SIJ ACRONI d.o.o. spadajo v skupino nerjavnih jekel, ki vsebujejo več kot 20 mas.% kroma. Zanje je značilna dvojna, tako imenovana dupleksna mikrostruktura, ki je pri sobni temperaturi sestavljena iz ferita s centrirano kubinčno kristalno mrežo in avstenita s ploskovno centrirano kubično mrežo. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza in optimizacija poteka temperaturnega profila debele jeklene pločevine in visokotemperaturne peči HTF (visokotemperaturna valjčna peč) na liniji HTL. Meritve temperaturnega profila so se izvedle neposredno v industrijskem okolju in sicer na 10 mm jekleni debelin pločevini vrste S32750, Wr. Nr. 1.4410, EN X2CrNiMo – 25 – 7 – 4 in 50 mm jekleni debeli pločevini vrste S32205, Wr. Nr. 1.4462, EN X2CrNiMoN – 22 – 5 – 3. V okviru dela smo na napravi za določevanje toplotnih lastnosti Hot Disk TPS 2200 izvedli meritve toplotne prevodnosti in specifične toplote in izračunali temperaturno prevodnost obeh kvalitet jekel v skladu s standardom ISO 22007-2.

Keywords:Sinoxx, dupleks nerjavno jeklo, superdupleks nerjavno jeklo, linija HTL (Heat treatment line), jeklena debela pločevina, visokotemperaturna peč HTF
Work type:High school thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119493 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31692547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
ZGONC, Dejan, 2020, Optimiranje toplotne obdelave debele pločevine iz nerjavnih jekel [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 17 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Heat treatment optimisation of heavy plattes from stainless steels
Sinoxx 4462 duplex and Sinoxx 4410 super duplex steels are steels manufactured by the largest Slovenian steel manufacturer SIJ ACRONI Ltd. They are stainless steels, which means that the mass fraction of chromium always exceeds 20% in their composition. They are distinguished by their dual (duplex) microstructure comprised at room temperature of body-centered cubic lattice (BCC) ferrite and face-centered cubic lattice (FCC) austenite. This thesis is primarily concerned with analyzing and optimizing the temperature profile of steel heavy plattes and hight temperature furnace HTF on a heat treatment line HTL. Temperature profile was measured in an industrial enviroment containing a heat treatment line course of 50 mm duplex heavy plattes type S32205, Wr. Nr. 1.4462, EN X2CrNiMoN – 22 – 5 – 3 and 10 mm super duplex stainless steel heavy plates type S32750, Wr.Nr. 1.4410, EN X2CrNi – 22 – 5 – 3. Experimental research on heat property identification machine Hot Disk TPS 2200 enabled measuring heat conductivity and specific heat as well as calculating the conductivity of mender quality and prime quality steels in accordance with ISO 22007-2.

Keywords:Sinoxx, duplex stainless steel, superduplex stainless steel, HTL line (heat treatment line), steel heavy plattes, hight temperature furnace HTF

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