
Uporaba informacijskega in geološkega modela predora v orodju za mehansko analizo po MKE : magistrsko delo
ID Gabršček, Dani (Author), ID Logar, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žibert, Marko (Comentor), ID Klinc, Robert (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na uporabo geološkega in informacijskega modela predora za pripravo računskega modela za analizo po metodi končnih elementov. Raziskava literature vodi do zaključka, da je preprosta uporaba informacijskega in geološkega modela v programu za mehansko analizo trenutno nemogoča. Med geometrijami posameznih modelov je preveč razlik, ki izhajajo iz različnih potreb, ki jim ti modeli služijo. Medtem ko je pri informacijskem modelu vizualizacija ključnega pomena, kar pomeni, da so gradniki objekta vedno predstavljeni s tridimenzionalnimi elementi, je to pri računskem modelu drugotnega pomena. Pri mehanski analizi je za potrebe učinkovitega računa geometrija vedno poenostavljena. To pomeni, da so gradniki objekta po pravilih poenostavljeni v enodimenzionalne in dvodimenzionalne elemente, v nekaterih primerih pa ostanejo v tridimenzionalni obliki. Raziskava literature je pokazala, da je zaradi naštetega samodejna pretvorba v računski model nezanesljiva. Izdelava modela je posledično ročna, kar pomeni veliko vloženega dela. Izkaže se, da je uvoz geometrije iz informacijskega oziroma BIM-orodja uspešen, če je ta izdelan v primerni obliki, ki omogoča uporabo v programu za analizo. Prednosti uporabe BIM-orodij so v tem, da omogočajo parametrično modeliranje in v primeru Dynama tudi avtomatizacijo, kar bistveno pohitri in poenostavi izdelavo računskega modela. To smo pokazali na praktičnem primeru, kjer z uporabo Civil 3D in vtičnika Dynamo ter na podlagi vhodnih podatkov geometrije izkopa in osi samodejno generiramo 3D-geometrijo predora, ki jo lahko uvozimo v program za analizo in tam uporabimo. Ker ročnega dela skoraj ni, je proces priprave računskega modela predora na mehansko analizo hitrejši in zanesljivejši.

Keywords:Analiza predora po MKE, BIM, Dynamo, Civil 3D, Interoperabilnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Use of information and geological model of tunnel in FEM mechanical analysis tool : master thesis
This master thesis focuses on using the geological and information tunnel models for the preparation of the structural model for finite element analysis. The literature review led to the conclusion that easy use of the information and geological models is currently not possible in a program for finite element analysis. There is too much difference between different types of models, which is the consequence of the needs these models serve. Whereas visualisation is an important feature of the information model, meaning that 3D elements are used, the structural model is not concerned with it. Because efficient and fast calculations are needed, the geometry is always simplified. Therefore, structural elements are either simplified into one-dimensional and two-dimensional elements, or stay as three-dimensional in some cases. Literature review showed that the automatic transformation between models is thus unreliable. Consequently, modelling turns into manual labour, which can take a considerable amount of time. It turns out that importing geometry from the informational model into the program for analysis is successful if it is modelled as a structural model. The advantages of using BIM programs is that they have options of parametric modelling and, in the case of Dynamo, also automatization, which considerably speeds up the process of modelling. This was shown on the practical example, where we used Civil 3D, Dynamo and some input information to model tunnel excavation geometry. The resulting model can then successfully be imported into the program for analysis. Because manual work is almost non-existent, the preparation process of the structural model for finite element analysis is faster and more reliable.

Keywords:finite element analysis of tunnel, Dynamo, Civil 3D, Interoperability

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