
Razvoj nosilne plošče visečega planetnega vitla VPV - 3,7 kW
ID Arlič, Luka (Author), ID Klemenc, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je prikazan razvoj nosilne plošče visečega planetnega vitla VPV – 3,7 kW. Nova nosilna plošča omogoča gibanje vitla tudi po lomljenih delih viseče proge, kar prejšnja ni omogočala. Na ploščo smo dodali vpenjalno mesto za vezni člen energetskega vlaka, da je transport vitla mogoč z energetskim vlakom po viseči tirni progi. Jekleno konstrukcijo smo nato vrednotili na utrujanje po evropskem standardu Eurokod 3, nekatere dele pa smo zaradi kompleksnejše oblike vrednotili po metodi končnih elementov. S pomočjo programa Simens NX 12.0 smo na delih konstrukcije s kompleksnejšo geometrijo izvedli kontrolo po MKE. V nalogi so prikazani vsi rezultati trdnostnih preračunov, s katerimi potrjujemo ustrezno dimenzionirano konstrukcijo za podane obremenitve na konstrukcijo. Na koncu smo pripravili še dokumentacijo za izdelavo omenjene plošče.

Keywords:jeklena konstrukcija, varjena konstrukcija, vrednotenje konstrukcije, napetosti, metoda končnih elementov
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Arlič]
Number of pages:XV, 41 f., [6] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119470 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28815363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
ARLIČ, Luka, 2020, Razvoj nosilne plošče visečega planetnega vitla VPV - 3,7 kW [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. Ljubljana : L. Arlič. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a load-carrying plate of a hanging planetary winch VPV - 3,7 kW
In this thesis, the development of the load-carrying plate of the hanging planetary winch VPV – 3,7 kW is shown. The existing solution has proved to be non-functional. With the development of the new load-carrying plate we have enabled the winch to move on broken parts of the hanging rail and we have also enabled the transport with the help of the energy train. We have done a strength analysis on the welded construction, based on the presumed load. The weld joint analysis was conducted by the Eurocode 3 standard and on the more geometrically complex parts of the construction, the analysis was done by the finite element method with the help of the Simens NX 12.0 program. All the procedures and results of strength calculations are shown throughout the thesis. Lastly, we have prepared the documentation for the production of the load-carrying plate.

Keywords:steel structure, welded structure, structure evaluation, tension, finite element method

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