
Radiološki inženir na delu v tujini (izkušnje in nasveti) : diplomsko delo
ID Lesjak, Ines (Author), ID Rudolf, Manca (Author), ID Mekiš, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Starc, Tina (Comentor), ID Žager Marciuš, Valerija (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Izseljevanje Slovencev iz domovine že od nekdaj spremlja naš narod in predstavlja močan vpliv na naravno gibanje prebivalstva. Predvsem mladi izobraženci iščejo delo v tujini, kjer vidijo večje možnosti za razvoj svoje poklicne kariere in navsezadnje tudi osebnega življenja. V tem diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na delo slovenskih radioloških inženirjev, ki so zaposleni v tujini. Namen: Namen našega diplomskega dela je bil raziskati bistvene razlike med delom radioloških inženirjev v Sloveniji in delom slovenskih radioloških inženirjev v tujini in s tem bodočim diplomantom, ki razmišljajo o zaposlitvi v tujini, podati dodaten pogled na način dela v tujini. Metode dela: V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo različnih virov poiskali podatke o izseljevanju Slovencev in poklicu radiološkega inženirja. V empiričnem delu smo s pomočjo intervjuja slovenskih radioloških inženirjev zaposlenih v Avstriji, Katarju, Švici, na Švedskem in Irskem pridobili informacije o njihovem delu, jih zbrali, uredili ter ugotavljali razlike z delom v Sloveniji. Za metodo zbiranja podatkov smo izbrali polstrukturiran intervju. Rezultati: V rezultatih smo predstavili odgovore devetih intervjuvancev; ugotovitve smo zbrali po sklopih. Prvi sklop se nanaša na njihov odhod v tujino, v drugem sklopu smo sodelujoče vprašali o njihovi pridobljeni izobrazbi v Sloveniji in kakšen je bil postopek priznavanja njihovih kvalifikacij v tujini. Tretji sklop zajema vprašanja o delovnih pogojih na novem delovnem mestu. Z vprašanji četrtega sklopa smo želeli izvedeti kakšne so kompetence radioloških inženirjev v tujih državah in ali se razlikujejo s kompetencami radioloških inženirjev zaposlenih v Sloveniji. Z zadnjim sklopom smo želeli pridobiti informacije o tem, kakšen pogled imajo intervjuvanci na delo v tujini, kaj so z odhodom pridobili, in če nameravajo v tujini ostati. Razprava in zaključek: Za odhod v tujino so se anketiranci odločili zaradi razširjenih možnosti napredovanja na kariernem področju, soočenja z novimi izzivi in pridobivanja izkušenj. Odhod je pozitivno vplival na njihovo kariero. Pred uradnim pričetkom dela v tujini so opravili priznavanje izobrazbe, ki so jo pridobili v Sloveniji. Z odgovori, ki so nam jih podali intervjuvanci o svojem odhodu in delu v tujini, ostalim omogočimo vpogled na sam potek zaposlitve in življenja v tujini ter na delo radioloških inženirjev v tujih državah.

Keywords:diplomska dela, radiološka tehnologija, radiološki inženirji, delo, tujina, zaposlitev, intervjuji
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Lesjak, M. Rudolf]
Number of pages:44 str., [2] str. pril
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119440 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27676419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Radiographers at work abroad (experience and tips) : diploma work
Introduction: The emigration of Slovenes from their homeland has always accompanied our nation and represents a strong influence on the natural movement of the population. In particular, young educated people are looking to work abroad, where they see greater opportunities for the development of their professional careers and their personal lives. In this diploma work we have focused on the work of Slovenian radiographers who are employed abroad. Purpose: The purpose of our diploma work was to explore the essential differences between the work of radiographers in Slovenia and the work of Slovenian radiographers abroad giving the future graduates who are considering finding employment in foreign countries an additional look at working abroad. Methods: In the theoretical part, we have used various sources to find information on the emigration of Slovenes and the profession of radiographers. In the empirical part we have gathered and edited information about work of Slovenian radiographers employed in Austria, Qatar, Switzerland, Sweden and Ireland and have identified differences with work in Slovenia. We have chosen a semi-structured interview as the data collection method. Results: In the results, we have presented the answers of nine interviewees, and gathered the findings in different sets. The first set refers to their departure abroad, in the second set we have asked the participants about their education in Slovenia and what was the procedure for recognizing their qualifications abroad. The third set covers questions about working conditions at the new job. With the questions of the fourth set, we wanted to find out what were the competencies of radiographers in foreign countries and whether they differ from the competencies of radiographers in Slovenia. In the last set, we asked the interviewees what was their point of view on working abroad, what have they gained by leaving and if they intend to stay abroad. Discussion and conclusion: Respondents decided to go abroad because of the expanded opportunities for career advancement, facing new challenges and gaining experience. The departure had a positive impact on their careers. Prior to the official start of work abroad, they validated their education obtained in Slovenia. With the answers given by the interviewees about their departure and work abroad, we can provide others with an insight into the course of employment, life abroad and the work of radiographers in foreign countries.

Keywords:diploma theses, radiologic technology, radiographers, work, abroad, employment, interviews

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