
Napredni zastekljeni fasadni fotonapetostni sistemi z latentnimi hranilniki toplote
ID Žižak, Tej (Author), ID Medved, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Arkar, Ciril (Comentor)

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Razogljičenje energetskega sektorja je eden od prioritetnih ciljev Evropske skupnosti, tudi na področju rabe energije v stavbah. Tehnologije učinkovite rabe in uporaba lokalnih obnovljivih virov naj bi omogočile gradnjo energijsko samozadostnih stavb. V nalogi smo raziskali energijske lastnosti dveh sodobnih tehnologij zastekljenih gradnikov ovoja stavb, ki v sodobnih trendih gradnje nestanovanjskih stavb prevladujeta: 6-slojna zasteklitev in dvojna zastekljena fasada s prezračevano rego. Oba sistema smo nadgradili z elementi za izboljšanje energijske učinkovitosti in energijske samooskrbe stavbe – z integriranimi generatorji električne energije (BIPV) in kratkotrajnimi latentnimi hranilniki toplote (PCM). Dinamični toplotni odziv gradnikov smo modelirali s tehniko računske dinamike tekočin v referenčnem poletnem dnevu v okoljih z različnimi podnebji. Rezultate numeričnih simulacij smo validirali z eksperimentalnimi meritvami na modelu dvojne steklene fasade z BIPV in prisilno prezračevano rego ter PCM elementi. Nadgrajeni fasadni sistemi imajo velik potencial za zmanjšanje toplotnih dobitkov, ko stavbe hladimo. Parametrična analiza snovnih lastnosti PCM elementov predstavlja usmeritve pri izbiri PCM elementov glede na pogoje pri prenosu toplote. V nalogi smo razvili aproksimacijski model za napoved električne moči BIPV elementa, ki omogoča analizo energijske samooskrbe stavb.

Keywords:6-slojna BIPV zasteklitev, dvojna prezračevana BIPV fasada, latentni shranjevalniki toplote, fotonapetostne celice, nestacionarni prenos toplote, računska dinamika tekočin
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Žižak]
Number of pages:XXII, 62 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119332 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28766467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2020
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Title:Advanced glazed photovoltaic facades with phase change materials
One of the priority goals of the European Union is the transition to a carbon-free energy sector, including energy use in buildings. New technologies enable use of renewable energy with elements integrated in energy self-sufficient buildings. In this paper, we investigated the energy properties of two modern glazing technologies, which are prevalent in modern trends in non-residential building construction: 6-layer glazing and a ventilated double-skin facade. Both systems have been upgraded with elements for improving energy self-sufficiency of buildings: with integrated electricity generators (BIPV) and phase change materials (PCM). The dynamic thermal response of systems was modelled with computational fluid dynamics in a reference summer day in environments with different climates. The results of the numerical simulations were validated by experimental measurements on a ventilated double-skin facade model with BIPV and PCM elements. Upgraded façade systems have shown great potential to reduce heat gains during summer. Parametric analysis of the material properties of PCM elements provides guidance in the selection of PCMs depending on the conditions of heat transfer. We have developed an approximation model for the prediction of the electrical power of BIPV elements, which enable the analysis of energy self-sufficiency of buildings.

Keywords:6-layer BIPV glazing, ventilated BIPV double-skin facade, phase change materials, photovoltaics, transient heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics

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