
Parametrizacija toplotnega odziva nestanovanjske stavbe pri enostranskem naravnem prezračevanju
ID Perhaj, Jan (Author), ID Medved, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Arkar, Ciril (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu obravnavamo vpliv enostranskega prezračevanja na hlajenje prostora v nestanovanjski stavbi. V sodobnih javnih stavbah je raba končne energije za hlajenje izrazita. Za povečanje energijske učinkovitosti stavb je zato hlajenje z naravnim prezračevanjem eden od najbolj učinkovitih ukrepov. Učinek naravnega hlajenja s prezračevanjem pa je odvisen od podnebnih značilnosti, arhitekturne zasnove stavbe, toplotnih lastnosti gradnikov stavbe in toplotnih dobitkov. Oblikovali smo referenčni prostor in na osnovi pregleda raziskav izbrali modele, s katerimi bo mogoče pri modeliranju toplotnega odziva z enostranskim prezračevanjem hlajenega prostora upoštevati obliko prostora, prestop toplote v gradnike prostora v odvisnosti od števila izmenjav zraka in periodično shranjevanje hladu v gradnikih prostora. S pomočjo programskega orodja EnergyPlus smo teoretične modele primerjali z rezultati numeričnega modeliranja. Na osnovi meteoroloških podatkov štirih evropskih mest smo analizirali tudi vpliv podnebja na učinek naravnega hlajenja. Analiza je pokazala, da lahko s hlajenjem z naravnim prezračevanjem zmanjšamo rabo energije za hlajenje pisarniškega prostora za približno polovico v Madridu, 2/3 v Lizboni in 3/4 v Ljubljani in Moskvi.

Keywords:podnebni potencial hlajenja, enostransko naravno prezračevanje, EnergyPlus, parametri naravnega hlajenja, hibridno hlajenje, poraba energije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Perhaj]
Number of pages:XXIV, 66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119331 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28621315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Parameterization of the thermal response of a non - residential building with single - sided natural ventilation
In the thesis I discuss the influence of single-sided natural ventilation on cooling of the non-residential building. Between all the building systems the consumption of final energy for cooling is the biggest in modern non-residential buildings. That is why cooling with natural ventilation is one of the most efficient measures to increase energy efficiency of the buildings. The effect of natural cooling with airing dependends on climate characteristics, architectural design of the building, thermal properties of structures of the building and internal heat gains. We focused on a typical office and, based on previous researches, chose models with which it would be possible to take into account the shape of the room, transfer of heat into room components depending on air exchange rate and accumulation of cold in room walls. With the help of software tool EnergyPlus we compared theoretical results with results of numerical modelling. Furthermore, we analysed the climate potential of natural refrigeration in four cities across Europe with different climate conditions. The analysis showed that cooling with natural ventilation can reduce the energy use for cooling typical office by about half in Madrid, 2/3 in Lisbon and 3/4 in Ljubljana and Moscow.

Keywords:climate cooling potencial, single-sided natural ventilation, EnergyPlus, parameters of natural cooling, hybrid cooling, energy consumption

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