
Pomen konjev in jahanja za predšolske otroke
ID Poglajen, Heda (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6366/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu me je zanimal pomen živali za otroke – predvsem pomen konjev in jahanja za predšolske otroke. Raziskala sem vzroke, zakaj se otroci odločijo za obisk jahalne šole, kaj otrokom jahanje in stik s konjem dejansko pomeni ter kako stik s konjem vpliva na njihov razvoj. V raziskavi je sodelovalo šest predšolskih otrok in njihovih staršev. Rezultate sem pridobila s pregledom strokovne literature, z analizo intervjujev in analizo opažanj, ki sem jih zapisala v svojem raziskovalnem dnevniku, kjer sem dokumentirala mnenja otrok ter njihovih staršev. Ugotavljam, da srečanje s konjem že v zgodnjem otroštvu pozitivno vpliva na otrokov celosten razvoj – socialni, čustveni, spoznavni in telesni. Otroci doživljajo konja kot prijatelja, zaupnika in sogovornika, se veselijo uric, ki jih preživijo ob konju, radi pa tudi skrbijo za prehrano ter higieno konj. Starši so potrdili, da jahanje pozitivno vpliva na razvoj njihovih otrok, predvsem so poudarili napredek pri telesnem razvoju (aktivacija mišic, koordinacija gibov rok, nog in trupa ter pravilna drža) in pridobivanju samozavesti otrok, kar potrjuje tudi strokovna literatura. Prav slednje je pomembno za razvoj otrokove zdrave samopodobe in samospoštovanja v kasnejših obdobjih. Pridobljeni rezultati so v pomoč učiteljem jahanja, staršem otrok in pedagoškim delavcem, da lažje razumejo odnos otroka z živaljo ter vpliv jahanja na otroke. Starši se lahko na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov pogosteje odločajo za vpis otroka v konjeniške klube, pedagoški delavci pa lahko glede na potrebe otroka staršem tovrstno odločitev tudi svetujejo. Zaradi maloštevilne strokovne literature, ki bi obravnavala vpliv rekreativnega jahanja na predšolske otroke, ugotavljam, da je na tem področju še ogromno prostora za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:vpliv živali
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119321 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27314435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of horses and horse riding for preschool children
In this diploma thesis, the importance of animals for children is discussed, more precisely the importance of horses and horseback riding for pre-school children. We discuss the reasons behind children’s decision to attend riding school, what horseback riding and being in contact with a horse means to children, and how the latter informs their development. Six pre-school children and their parents were included in the research. The results were acquired by means of literature overview, interview analysis and the analysis of my personal remarks, logged in a research diary that also details the opinions of the interviewed children and their parents. It has been determined that being in contact with a horse had a positive effect on the child’s overall development – social, emotional, cognitive, and physical. Children see their horse as their friend, confidant, and interlocutor, they look forward to spending time with the animal, as well as like to groom and feed them. Parents confirmed horseback riding influences their children’s development in a positive way, especially in terms of physical progress (muscle activation, arm, leg and body movement coordination, and correct posture) and increased self-confidence. These effects are also confirmed by relevant published literature. Self-confidence is particularly important for the development of a healthy self-image and self-respect later on in life. The results of this research may be useful to horseback riding instructors, parents, and teachers in helping them understand the child’s relationship with the animal and the effects of horseback riding on children. The results of this research can be a motivation both for parents to decide more often to enroll their children in riding school and for teachers to advise parents in favour of this decision based on the individual child’s needs. Due to the paucity of published literature discussing the effects of recreational horseback riding on pre-school children, we conclude that this topic leaves ample space for further research.

Keywords:effect of animals

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