
Meritve in analiza prometa v komunikacijskih omrežjih
ID Oblak, Klemen (Author), ID Mraz, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu predstavimo, zakaj je evalvacija komunikacijskega omrežja na podlagi meritev parametrov omrežnih naprav temeljni pogoj za zagotavljanje zanesljivega komunikacijskega omrežja. Zanesljivost omrežja je ena izmed njegovih najpomembnejših lastnostih, za katero je glede na naročnika treba dosegati določeno raven. Dobra praksa nadziranja komunikacijskega omrežja narekuje potrebo po merilnem sistemu, ki je primeren za izvrševanje meritev na različnih platformah in tipih naprav. Za pridobivanje aktualnih vrednosti parametrov v vzorčnih komunikacijskih omrežjih smo uporabili programsko orodje WhatsUp Gold. Orodje s pomočjo protokola SNMP, ki izvaja poizvedbe o objektih v bazi upravljavskih informacij omrežnih naprav, shranjuje vrednosti podatkov, katere agregiramo v grafikone. Merjene parametre smo izbrali glede na cilje, ki jih želimo doseči z meritvami. Za meritve pridobljene v obdobju enega meseca sta predstavljena tedenski in dnevni trend, iz katerih ovrednotimo raven delovanja komunikacijskega omrežja.

Keywords:WhatsUp Gold, nadzor komunikacijskih omrežij, analiza prometa, SNMP, zanesljivost komunikacijskega omrežja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119308 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28034819 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Traffic measurements and analysis in communication networks
This thesis presents the reasons why the evaluation of communication networks on the basis of measuring the parameters of network devices is fundamental for ensuring a stable and reliable communication network. The reliability of a network is one of its most important qualities, for which we have to ensure a certain performance level, depending on customer requirements. Good practice of monitoring a communication network dictates the need for a measuring system, which is fit for executing measurements on several different platforms and types of devices. For the purpose of gathering real-time parameter values in sample communication networks, we used a software tool called WhatsUp Gold. This program, with the assistance of the SNMP protocol, which executes queries regarding objects in the management information database of network devices, stores data values, which are then aggregated into reports. Measured parameters were chosen based on goals we want to achieve with these measurements. For measurements acquired in a one month time interval, weekly and daily trends are presented, from which we evaluate the level of performance.

Keywords:WhatsUp Gold, network monitoring, network traffic analysis, SNMP, network reliability

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