
Socialni vidik e-izobraževanja na daljavo : diplomsko delo
ID Janžovnik, Nuša (Author), ID Keržič, Damijana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za doseganje dobrih študijskih rezultatov v spletnem študijskem okolju je pomembna tudi medsebojna interakcija učečih in učitelja v spletni učilnici, ki se kaže v učinkovitosti komuniciranja v spletnih izobraževalnih sistemih. V teoretičnem delu smo analizirali različne vire ter povzeli nekatera stališča in ugotovitve avtorjev o izbrani temi. V raziskovalnem delu smo analizirali vidike izrednih študentov, vključenih v e-študij na Fakulteti za upravo, o pomembnosti medsebojne interakcije in njenih elementov za učinkovito komuniciranje. V anketni raziskavi smo študente spraševali o tem, kako doživljajo pomanjkanje fizične prisotnosti pri e-študiju, kako pomembna se jim zdi komunikacija oziroma elementi komuniciranja ter kako pogosto komunicirajo s sošolci o študijski snovi preko družbenih omrežij. Pridobili smo podatke o tem, ali študentom bolj ugaja skupinsko delo ali delo v interaktivnih skupinah. Zanimalo nas je še, ali so med seboj navezali neformalne socialne stike. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 32 študentov in študentk Fakultete za upravo. Na podlagi rezultatov ankete smo ugotovili, da je komunikacija pomemben dejavnik za študente v procesu e-študija. Po mnenju anketirancev je njen najpomembnejši element odzivnost učitelja. Ugotovili smo, da je večini anketirancev bližje individualno učenje kot učenje v učnih skupinah, nekaterim tudi ni pomembno, s kom sodelujejo v skupini. Večina študentov pri e-študiju pogreša neposredno komunikacijo z učiteljem in njihovo razlago v živo. Med drugim pa menijo tudi, da gre pri tej obliki študija za pomanjkanje socialnih stikov in fizične prisotnosti, kar zagotovo vpliva na

Keywords:e-študij, medsebojna interakcija, informacijsko-komunikacijska tehnologija, spletna komunikacija, socialne vezi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Janžovnik]
Number of pages:IX, 42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119297 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:28613891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2020
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Secondary language

In order to achieve good study results in the online study environment, it is important for students and teachers to have mutual interaction in the online classroom; this is reflected in the effectiveness of communication in online educational systems. We analyzed various sources in the theoretical part and summarized some of the authors’ views and findings on the chosen topic. In the research part, we analyzed the aspects of part-time students involved in e-study at the Faculty of Public Administration about the importance of mutual interaction and its elements on effective communication. In the survey, we asked the students how they experienced the lack of physical presence due to e-learning, how important they found communication or elements of communication and how often they interacted with classmates about the subject matter through social networks. We also obtained data on whether the students preferred group work or working in interactive groups. We were also interested in whether they established informal social contacts with each other. There were 32 students from the Faculty of Public Administration participating in the survey. Its results showed that communication is an important factor for students in the e-learning process. According to the students, the most important factor of communication is the responsiveness of the teacher. We found that most respondents prefer individual learning over learning in study groups; some students do not put any emphasis on who they work within a group. Most students in e-learning miss direct communication with a teacher and in-person interpretation. They also believe, among other things, that this form of study brings a lack of social contacts and physical presence; this causes a different experience of emotions than in students who attend classroom lectures.

Keywords:e-learning, mutual interaction, information and communication technology, online communication, social connections

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