
Učinki transkutane električne živčne stimulacije na zmanjševanje bolečine pri porodu - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Tovornik, Alja (Author), ID Rugelj, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Weber, Daša (Comentor), ID Vauhnik, Renata (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Čeprav je porod za večino žensk najlepša izkušnja, ki jo doživijo v svojem življenju, ga kot posledico anatomsko-fizioloških sprememb večinoma spremlja močna bolečina. Nanjo še pred dejanskim občutenjem te vplivajo različni kulturni, okoljski in socialni dejavniki. Z namenom lajšanja porodne bolečine in s tem preprečevanja mogočih zapletov uporabljamo različne farmakološke in nefarmakološke tehnike. Ena redkeje uporabljenih tehnik je uporaba transkutane električne živčne stimulacije (TENS), ki temelji na teoriji kontrole vrat in se v porodništvu uporablja od leta 1970. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pregledom znanstvene literature ugotoviti učinkovitost transkutane električne živčne stimulacije na zmanjševanje bolečine pri porodu. Metode dela: Članke in literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro in COBISS+. Izbrana je bila literatura v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, objavljena po letu 2005 in najdena s pomočjo naslednjih ključnih besed: TENS, porod, porodna bolečina, fizioterapija . Rezultati: Na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev smo izbrali osem raziskav. V vseh raziskavah je bil uporabljen TENS z namenom zmanjševanja bolečine pri porodu. V eni od raziskav so preučevali njegovo uporabo za zmanjševanje bolečine pri postopku epiziotomije. Avtorji so ugotovili, da je uporaba TENS-a statistično in klinično pomembno pripomogla k zmanjševanju porodne bolečine v primerjavi s klasično oskrbo, ni pa pomembno zmanjšala bolečine pri epiziotomiji. Njegova uporaba med drugimi ni vplivala na trajanje poroda in na oceno Apgar novorojenčka, merjenega v prvi in peti minuti po rojstvu. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati, pridobljeni s pregledom literature, so kazalnik, da je TENS učinkovita metoda za lajšanje porodne bolečine. Potrebno bi bilo narediti dodatne raziskave, s katerimi bi lahko natančneje opredelili njegove učinke.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, TENS, porod, porodne bolečine, fizioterapija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Tovornik]
Number of pages:29 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119278 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27373571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on pain relief during labour - literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Although for most women childbirth is one of the most beautiful experiences in their lifetime, it is mostly accompanied by severe pain as a result of anatomical-physiological changes. It is affected by various cultural, environmental and social factors before it is actually even felt. We use a variety of pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques to relieve labour pain and thus prevent from possible complications. One of the less commonly used techniques is the use of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), which is based on the theory of gate control, and has been used in obstetrics since 1970. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work was to review scientific studies of the effects of TENS on pain relief during labour. Methods: Articles and literature were searched in PubMed, CINAHL, PEDro and COBISS+ databases. Selected literature in Slovene and English language, published after year 2005, was found with the help of key words: TENS, labour, labour pain, physiotherapy. Results: Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, eight studies were selected. In all studies, TENS was used to relieve labour pain. Its use to reduce pain during the episiotomy procedure was examined in one study. Authors found that the use of TENS statistically and clinically made significant contribution to the relief of labour pain compared to conventional care, but did not significantly reduce pain during episiotomy cutting. Among other things, its use did not affect the duration of labour and the Apgar score of the newborn, measured in the 1st and 5th minute after birth. Discussion and conclusion: The results obtained with the literature review are indicating that TENS is an effective method for pain relief during labour. To define its effects better, further research should be done.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, TENS, labour, labour pain, physiotherapy

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