
Izdelava sistema oblikovanja uporabniškega vmesnika
ID Kopajtič, Luka (Author), ID Iskra, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Problematika vizualne konsistence je že dlje časa eden glavnih dejavnikov pri načrtovanju in oblikovanju uporabniških vmesnikov. Cilj diplomske naloge je izdelati dovršen in enoten sistem oblikovanja, ki omogoča implementacijo na vseh področjih vizualnega komuniciranja ter na podlagi sistema oblikovanja oblikovati različne uporabniške vmesnike aplikacij za namizne in mobilne naprave. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge so opisani in definirani pojmi uporabniške izkušnje, informacijske arhitekture, uporabniškega vmesnika, načel oblikovanja, celostne grafične podobe in sistema oblikovanja, ki so sestavni del digitalnega oblikovanja, v eksperimentalnem delu pa sta prikazana razvoj in implementacija sistema oblikovanja na praktičnem primeru. Rezultati diplomske naloge so izdelan sistem oblikovanja in oblikovani uporabniški vmesniki aplikacije. Za sistem oblikovanja smo izdelali celostno grafično podobo, slogovne smernice, ikone in nabor komponent. Izdelani sistem smo nato implementirali na primerih. Oblikovali smo uporabniški vmesnik aplikacije za prijavo in registracijo, aplikacije s koledarjem in glasbene aplikacije, ki smo jo tudi prototipirali.

Keywords:vizualna komunikacija, sistem oblikovanja, uporabniški vmesnik, uporabniška izkušnja, oblikovalski jezik, upravljanje oblikovanja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119264 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Creating a user interface design system
The problem of visual consistency has long been one of the main factors in planning and design of user interfaces. The goal of the thesis is creating a uniform design system which allows for implementation in all areas of visual communication, and designing various user interfaces of mobile and desktop applications, based on the design system. The theoretical part of the thesis describes and defines concepts of user experience, information architecture, user interface, design principles, branding and design system, which are integral part of digital design. The experimental part of the thesis shows the development and implementation of a design system in a practical case. The result of the project is a finished design system and application user interfaces. For the design system, we have designed brand identity, style sheet, icons and component library. The system has then been implemented in various examples. We have designed user interfaces of login application, calendar application and music application, which we have also prototyped.

Keywords:visual communication, design system, user interface, user experience, design language, design management

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