
Pričakovane kompetence diplomantk in diplomantov socialnega dela s strani organizacij, ki zaposlujejo socialne delavke in delavce : diplomsko delo
ID Katič Hrovat, Tina (Author), ID Mesec, Bojana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tekom študija na Fakulteti za socialno delo sem na praksi opazila, da so mentorica in ostali zaposleni od mene pričakovali določena znanja in veščine, določene kompetence. O pričakovanjih s strani mentoric in mentorjev sem se pogovarjala s sošolkami in ostalimi študentkami in študenti. Imamo odgovor, katere kompetence naj bi ob koncu študija usvojile in usvojili, nimamo pa nanizanih kompetenc, ki jih od nas pričakujejo delodajalci. Zato sem se odločila raziskati, katere kompetence se od nas pričakujejo ob zaposlitvi po dokončanem dodiplomskem študiju socialnega dela. V pregledu problematike se najprej poglobim v vprašanje, kaj je socialno delo in nadaljujem z definiranjem dela diplomantk in diplomantov – kje se zaposlujejo in na katerih področjih delujejo. Nadaljujem s temo izobraževanja v socialnem delu in zaključim z definiranjem pojma kompetenc in kompetenc v socialnem delu. Zapišem kompetence, ki naj bi jih študentke in študentke usvojili z zaključkom študija na dodiplomskem študiju socialnega dela. Raziskava je kvalitativna. Zastavim si sledeča raziskovalna vprašanja: (R1): S katerimi kompetencami prihajajo diplomanti in diplomantke socialnega dela na trg dela?, (R2): Katere kompetence diplomanti in diplomantke potrebujejo za delo?, (R3): Na kakšen način diplomanti in diplomantke socialnega dela pridobijo tiste kompetence, ki jih ne pridobijo v času izobraževanja na Fakulteti za socialno delo?, (R4): Katere spremembe so potrebne v izobraževanju za poklic socialnega delavca, da bi diplomanti in diplomantke socialnega dela na trg vstopali bolj kompetentni? Populacijo moje raziskave predstavljajo socialnovarstvene organizacije v Sloveniji, ki delujejo v aprilu 2020 in imajo zaposlene socialne delavke in delavce. Moj vzorec predstavlja 6 socialnovarstvenih organizacij, ki delujejo v Novem mestu v juniju 2020 in imajo zaposlene socialne delavce in delavke. Vzorec je neslučajnostni in priročni. V raziskavi sem ugotovila, da imajo diplomantke in diplomanti dobro teoretično podlago in znajo komunicirati z uporabniki. Želijo si, da bi imele diplomantke in diplomanti več praktičnih izkušenj iz stroke socialnega dela in da bi imeli tekom študija možnost delati na večji čustveni stabilnosti. Sodelovanje, intervju, je veliko organizacij zavrnilo, predvidevam, da je čas epidemije ustvaril napeto okolje in so imele organizacije veliko dela s prilagajanjem na nove razmere, kar je največja slabost diplomske naloge. Glavni predlog je omogočiti študentkam in študentom več praktičnih izkušenj na Fakulteti za socialno delo in vzpostaviti močan stik med organizacijami, ki zaposlujejo diplomantke in diplomante socialnega dela, in Fakulteto za socialno delo.

Keywords:kompetence, delodajalci, socialno delo, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Katič Hrovat]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119250 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:34781443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Expected Competencies Required by Social Work Organizations Which are Hiring Social Work Graduates
During my studies at the Faculty of Social Work I have noticed that mentors at my practice course have expected particular knowledge, skills, and particular competencies. I have talked about those expectations with my colleagues of the faculty. We have concluded that we are aware of the competencies we should gain at the end of our undergraduate education, but we didn't know much about competencies that will be expected from us when we will look for a job. That is why I have decided to make a research on competencies that companies employing social workers expect from social work graduates. In the problem examination section, I first dive into answering the question 'What is social work' and continue with defining the areas where social work graduates are employed. Then, I touch on the topic of social work education and defining competencies. I have extracted the main competencies, which every undergraduate student of social work should achieve when finishing their education. The research is qualitative. I have set the following research questions: (RQ1): With which competencies do social work graduates come to the labour market?, (RQ2): Which competencies are needed for the social workers to fulfil their tasks?, (RQ3): Where do social worker graduates gain the competencies that are not gained during their education at the Faculty of Social Work?, (RQ4): Which changes are needed in the social work education that would make social work graduates more competent for their work?. The population of my research is represented by 6 social security organizations in Novo mesto that were active in June 2020 and have employed social work graduates. The sample is non-accidental and handy. In the research, I have found out that social work graduates have a solid theoretical background and can communicate well with the customers. Employers wish that social work graduates would have more practical experience and that the Faculty of Social Work would give them the opportunity to grow stronger emotional stability. The biggest shortcoming of this thesis is its small sample. Due to the challenging conditions during the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic, organizations were preoccupied and were not keen on collaborating. The main suggestion is to give students of social work the opportunity to gain more practical experience and for the faculty to create a bond with the social security organizations.

Keywords:competencies, employers, social work, Faculty of Social Work

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