
Nemško-italijanska meja v bližini Trebnja za časa druge svetovne vojne
ID Osmanbašić, Hajrudin (Author), ID Mikša, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo najprej razloži predhodno stanje v Evropi in napad na Jugoslavijo. Po hitri kapitulaciji je sledila razdelitev današnjega slovenskega ozemlja med fašistično Italijo, nacistično Nemčijo, Madžarsko in NDH. Novo razmejitev je določil Hitler osebno brez upoštevanja starih meja. Temu je sledila vojaška zasedba in markiranje meje (to je bilo včasih celo sočasno), podrobno določanje meje s komisijami in fizično zavarovanje. V delu je pod drobnogled vzet del meje med Italijo in Nemčijo severno od Trebnja (od Gabrovke pri Litiji do Bučke na Dolenjskem). Osredotoči se na arhivsko gradivo deželnega svetnika okrožja Trbovlje, na ustne vire ter materialne ostanke na terenu. To novo mejo sta imela okupatorja za pravo državno mejo, ki je bila zelo resno zavarovana (predvsem s strani Nemcev). Meja je delila tudi dva totalitarna režima, ki sta oba zanikala obstoj slovenskega naroda. Kljub temu je prihajalo do ilegalnih prehodov predvsem partizanov in kurirjev, ki niso priznavali te razdelitve.

Keywords:Slovenija, Trebnje, okupacijske meje, okupacijska politika, druga svetovna vojna
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119224 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:German-Italian border in the vicinity of Trebnje in the Second World War
The master's thesis first explains the background situation in Europe and the attack on Yugoslavia. After quick capitulation, the division of today’s Slovenian territory followed among Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Hungary and the Independent State of Croatia (NDH). The new division was decided by Hitler personally, without taking into account previous borders. This was followed by military occupation and border marking (this used to take place simultaneously), detailed definition of borders with commissions and physical protection. In the thesis is closely examined the border between Italy and Germany to the north of Trebnje (from Gabrovka in the Municipality of Litija to Bučka in Dolenjska region). It focuses on archival material of provincial councillor of Trebnje, oral sources and relics found in the field. This new border was for occupying forces considered as a national border, which was very carefully protected (mostly by Germans). The border divided also two totalitarian regimes, both of which denied the existence of Slovenian nation. Nevertheless, illegal border entries were made by partisans and couriers who did not acknowledge this division.

Keywords:Slovenia, Trebnje, occupation borders, occupation politics, the Second World War

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