
»Provociram, ker je politika pojedla literaturo.« Teorija in literatura v slovenski in češkoslovaški študentski periodiki leta 1968 na primeru Tribune in Studenta
ID Mandić, Lucija (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Juvan, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V burnem letu 1968 so študentska gibanja na Zahodu iskala ideološko oporo v marksistični teoriji in vzpostavljala ambivalenten odnos s strukturalizmom. Ob prepletu strukturalistične in marksistične misli se je revolucija z ulic prenašala tudi v tekst in posledično v literaturo (in vice versa). Ta položaj se je ob novih medijih in rahljanju politične represije v socialističnih državah ter pospešenem odpiranju na Zahod v 60-ih letih različno prevajal v lokalna študentska gibanja na evropski kulturni periferiji. V magistrski nalogi me zanima, na kakšne načine so študentska gibanja v Sloveniji in na Češkoslovaškem vzpostavljala odnos do sočasne zahodne (predvsem francoske) literarne in teoretske produkcije in na kakšen način se je odnos med teorijo, literaturo in aktivizmom vzpostavljal na domačih tleh. To raziskujem na podlagi dveh osrednjih študentskih časopisov, Tribune (Slovenija) in Studenta (Češkoslovaška), ki sta leta 1968 prestopila okvire študentske periodike in se aktivno vključila v splošno politično in kulturno dogajanje ter se v svojih državah uveljavila kot dva pomembnejših družbenokritičnih časopisov tega obdobja. Ob primerjavi najdemo med časopisoma stične točke – literarne in teoretske objave so bile v obeh časopisih pogosto politično motivirane – in razhajanja: Student drugače od Tribune ni zavzemal osrednjega mesta kot časopis, ki bi objavljal neoavantgardno literaturo in sočasno teorijo.

Keywords:literatura in družba, Slovenija, Češkoslovaška, študentsko gibanje, študentski časopisi, neoavantgarda, nova levica, strukturalizem, praška pomlad
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119223 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27351299 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:»I am provoking, because politics have devoured literature.« Theory and literature in Slovene and Czechoslovak student periodicals in 1968 in the case of Tribuna and Student
In the turbulent year 1968, the student movements in the West sought ideological inspiration in Marxist theory in order to establish an ambivalent relationship to structuralism. With the intertwining of structuralist and Marxist ideas, the revolution has transferred from the street to the text and consequently to literature (and vice versa). With the new media and the relaxation of political repression in the socialist countries and the accelerated opening to the West in the 1960s, the situation in the West was transferred to the local student movements on the European cultural periphery in various ways. In my master's thesis, I am interested in how the student movements in Slovenia and Czechoslovakia shaped their attitude towards contemporary Western (especially French) literary and theoretical production and how this relationship between theory, literature and activism was established in the respective local situations. I will examine this through by comparing the two leading student newspapers of the time, Tribuna (Slovenia) and Student (Czechoslovakia), which in 1968 actively intervened in general political and cultural events beyond the scope of student magazines and established themselves in their countries as two of the most important socially critical newspapers of the time. In comparison, we find similarities between the two newspapers – literary and theoretical publications in both newspapers were often politically motivated – and divergences – Student did not occupy a central position, unlike Tribuna as a newspaper publishing neo-avant-garde literature and contemporary theory.

Keywords:literature and society, Slovenia, Czechoslovakia, student movement, student newspapers, neo-avant-garde, New Left, structuralism, Prague spring

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