
Povezanost kondicijske pripravljenosti mladih odbojkaric z njihovo kasnejšo tekmovalno uspešnostjo in predčasnim zaključkom tekmovalne kariere : magistrsko delo
ID Miličević, Maruša (Author), ID Leskošek, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zadražnik, Marko (Comentor)

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V Sloveniji pride v reprezentančnem smislu do prve resnejše selekcije na državnem nivoju, ko izbirajo mlade odbojkarice, ki bodo nastopile na turnirju regijskih reprezentanc starejših deklic. Vzporedno s turnirjem potekajo meritve gibalnih sposobnosti in telesnih značilnosti odbojkaric. Razlog, da smo se odločili osmisliti meritve, je ta, da ima turnir zelo pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju reprezentance v kadetski, mladinski in članski kategoriji. Vzorec merjenk je sestavljalo 195 odbojkaric, ki so v letih 2015, 2016 in 2017 nastopile na omenjenem turnirju. V vzorec smo zajeli dekleta, ki so imela v času meritev 14 in 15 let. Cilj je bil ugotoviti, ali raven kondicijske pripravljenosti odbojkaric v kategoriji deklic vpliva na rang lige, kjer te odbojkarice tekmujejo v kasnejši članski konkurenci. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, ali slabša kondicijska priprava igralke vpliva na predčasno končanje kariere. Ugotovili smo, da raven kondicijske pripravljenosti mladih odbojkaric statistično pomembno vpliva na rang lige, kjer te odbojkarice tekmujejo v trenutni članski kategoriji. Statistično pomembnih razlik pa nismo ugotovili pri vplivu kondicijske pripravljenosti na predčasno končanje športne kariere. V nalogi smo poskušali ugotoviti tudi, kakšne so razlike med odbojkaricami, ki so športno pot zaključile zaradi poškodbe in med odbojkaricami, ki so kariero zaključile zaradi drugih razlogov. Ugotovili smo, da med omenjenimi prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik v eni antropometrični spremenljivki (telesna višina) in motoričnem testu (agilnost z znano kombinacijo). Predstavili smo tudi razlike med dekleti, ki igrajo odbojko na mivki in tistimi, ki igrajo dvoransko odbojko. Ugotovili smo, da imajo igralke odbojke na mivki višje vrednosti antropometrijskih spremenljivk in tudi boljše rezultate pri meritvah gibalnih sposobnosti, kar je pričakovano, saj odbojka na mivki zahteva igralke, ki so višje, hitrejše in gibalno sposobnejše.

Keywords:Odbojka, regijska reprezentanca, meritve, kondicijska pripravljenost, predčasno končanje kariere
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119219 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:30716931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Link Between Physical Fitness of Young Women Volleyball Players and Their Following Competitive Success as Well as an Early Competitive Career Retirement
When it comes to a serious selection of young women volleyball players on a national level in Slovenia, it happens at the national teenage division tournament with regional teams for the first time. Along with the tournament, physical mobility and body characteristic measurements of players are taking place. The reason why we decided to include the measurements is because the tournament has a big impact in the following cadet, junior, and senior team selections. A sample derived from 195 players which played at the before mentioned tournament in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The sample included players who were at this time between 14 and 15 years old. The goal was to identify if the level of a player’s physical fitness affects the league rank which they compete in later as a senior member in girls’ category. Furthermore, we chose to observe if there is a link between poor physical fitness and an early career retirement. We found out, physical fitness of young volleyball players is statistically very important and affects the league rank in which they are playing as senior members. Statistically significant differences are not present between poor physical fitness and an early sports career retirement. We also researched the differences between players that gave up their career based on injuries and players who ended their career based on other circumstances. Among those mentioned we figured out two of the anthropometric variables show statistical important changes, these two are height and a motoric ability analysis (agility of a familiar combination). A difference between players who play beach volleyball and those who play in halls was also part of our researches. The result shows a significant better anthropometric quality for beach volleyball players as well as better results at physical mobility, which is to be expected because beach volleyball requires taller, faster, and mobility more gifted players.

Keywords:Volleyball, regional national team, measurements, physical fitness, early career retirement

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