
Trajnostna kolekcija E2DDF3 brez odpadka
ID Mrak, Anže (Author), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavni namen mojega diplomskega dela je bilo oblikovanje trajnostne kolekcije z naslovom E2DDF3 z izhodišči v cirkusu, problematiki mikroplastike in tehniki krojenja brez odpadka (ang. zero waste). Kolekcijo sem želel predstaviti s pomočjo video predstavitve in virtualnega prostora. Cirkus je poln zanimivih likov, ki za svoje nastope potrebujejo določena oblačila. Ti imajo pri izbiri oblačil različne želje in zahteve, enako pa velja tudi za ljudi v vsakodnevnem življenju. S svojo kolekcijo sem želel skupini cirkusantov omogočiti večji nabor možnih kostumov. Teoretični del diplome se začne s predstavitvijo problematike mikroplastike v morju in z raziskavo, kakšen vpliv ima ta na okolje. Prav tako so opisani začetki cirkusa, njegov razvoj in pomembne osebe v njegovi zgodovini. Opisani so tudi vsi značilni cirkuški liki, njihov izgled in to, kakšna oblačila potrebujejo. Kot trajnostno nadgradnjo sem v svoje delo vključil še analizo življenjskega sloga brez odpadka in njegove uporabe v praksi ter podrobno predstavitev načina krojenja brez odpadkov. Praktični del vključuje oblikovanje in izvedbo trajnostne kolekcije E2DDF3, ki zajema trinajst silhuet, od katerih sem realiziral tri. Predstavljen je razvoj koncepta in razmišljanje o vzdušju kolekcije, nato nadaljujem z razvojem silhuet in vzorcev, izbiro materialov, modnimi skicami celotne kolekcije in tehničnimi skicami izbranih silhuet. Na koncu praktičnega dela je povzet razvoj koncepta za predstavitev kolekcije in potek izvedbe le-te. Končni rezultat je trajnostna kolekcija E2DDF3, predstavljena v video predstavitvi in virtualnem prostoru.

Keywords:trajnostna kolekcija, brez odpadka, video predstavitev, cirkus, mikroplastika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119202 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2020
MRAK, Anže, 2020, Trajnostna kolekcija E2DDF3 brez odpadka [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Sustainable zero waste collection E2DDF3
The main aim of my diploma thesis was to create a sustainable fashion collection entitled E2DDF3, the starting point of which was the circus aesthetic, the issue of microplastics pollution and the zero waste technique of pattern-making. I wanted to present the collection in video form and with the help of virtual space. The circus is full of interesting characters that need specific clothing for their performances. They all have different wishes and needs when it comes to clothing selection, and the same is true for people going about their day-to-day lives. I wanted to provide a wider, more diverse selection of garments for circus performers. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the issue of microplastics found in oceans and discusses what consequences such pollution has on the environment. It also describes the origins of the circus, its development and important people in its history. I also present the main circus archetypes, focusing on their appearance and their clothing needs. Wanting to add the aspect of sustainability to my project, I analyse the zero waste lifestyle and its practical application, and include a detailed description of the zero waste technique of pattern-making. The practical part of my work includes the process of designing and then producing my undergraduate fashion collection E2DDF3. The collection includes thirteen silhouettes, three of which have been realised. This part of the thesis includes: concept development, reflection on the atmosphere of the collection, silhouette and pattern development, choice of materials, fashion sketches of the whole collection and technical sketches of chosen silhouettes. In the concluding part, I shortly describe how I developed the concept for the presentation of my collection, and how it was carried out. The final product is the sustainable fashion collection E2DDF3, presented in video form and set in virtual space.

Keywords:sustainable collection, zero waste, video presentation, circus, microplastics

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