
Vpliv fotografije produkta na povečanje spletne prodaje
ID Birsa, Jana (Author), ID Starešinič, Marica (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V spletni prodaji ima fotografija zelo velik vpliv na prodajo določenega izdelka. Živimo v času, v katerem nas z vseh strani obdaja neskončno informacij, zato je še kako pomembno, da pri promociji produktov uporabimo fotografije, ki so ciljni publiki všeč. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge bo najprej predstavljenih nekaj osnov fotografije in s tem lažje razumevanje fotoaparata. Navedena bo tudi kratka teorija o spletni trgovini, spletnem oglaševanju, družbenih omrežjih ter nekaj primerov dobrih oglasov in fotografij. Eksperimentalni del bo obsegal nabor fotografij določenega izdelka iz spletne trgovine Twistshake.si, postavitev scene ter fotografiranje v različnih stilih. Kot prodajnokomunikacijski kanal bo uporabljeno družbeno omrežje Facebook. V raziskovalnem delu bo izvedena analiza Facebook kampanj, ki bo nato primerjana z analizo končne prodaje oziroma obiska na strani izbranih izdelkov v spletni trgovini Evitas Shop d.o.o. V diplomskem delu bo prikazano, kakšen je vpliv fotografije na povečanje prodaje produkta. Rezultat diplomske naloge bo predstavil, kako s fotografijo vplivamo na vedenje potencialnih strank na družbenih omrežjih. Poudarjeno bo predvsem to, da ima uporaba slabih in neobdelanih fotografij negativnejši vpliv na prodajo izdelkov ter na obnašanje in komuniciranje s strankami v primerjavi z uporabo dobrih in obdelanih fotografij.

Keywords:fotografija, nasveti za fotografiranje, oglaševanje, spletna prodaja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119117 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of a product photography on increasing web sales
Photos have a huge impact to sales of a certain product regarding to online sales. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with enormous amount of information therefore it is especially important for advertising to use photos which the target audience likes. In the theoretical section of the thesis there will be firstly presented some basics of photography and thereby easier understanding of the camera. Also, there will be presented a short theory about web shop, digital marketing, social media and some examples of good advertisements and photos. Experimental section of the thesis will cover a set of photos of one product in web shop Twistshake.si, the setting of the scene and photographing in different styles. Facebook social media will be used as a marketing communication channel. In experimental section will be done analysis of Facebook marketing campaign and comparison to actual sales or page visits of selected products on a web shop of company Evitas Shop d.o.o. The thesis will show the impact of photography on sales increase of a product. The aim of thesis is to present how photography influence the behaviour of potential customers on social media networks. Especially it will focus on how the use of low quality and unedited photos effects worse on sales and behaviour and communication with customers compared to use of high quality and edited photos.

Keywords:photography, tips for photographing, advertising, online sales

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