
Oblikovanje tematske vizualne identitete za Exit festival
ID Rigler, Maja (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Puškarević, Irma (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu je bila oblikovana tematska vizualna identiteta za Exit festival. Vizualna identiteta je sestavljena iz več elementov, ki skupaj tvorijo vidna sporočila, ki morajo biti usklajena. Vidna sporočila, na katere je bila aplicirana naša tematska vizualna identiteta, so promocijski material, s katerim se festival predstavlja širši javnosti in preko tega komunicira s ciljno publiko. Namen magistrskega dela je bilo oblikovanje tematske vizualne identitete festivala Exit za določeno leto, ki bo skozi enotno rdečo nit in sporočilo preko promocijskega materiala komunicirala z gledalcem. Namen je ustvariti podobo, ki bo drugačna od preteklih identitet festivala, a bo hkrati vsebovala karakteristike, ki so prepoznavne za ta festival. Cilji magistrskega dela so bili obsežnejša raziskava in analiza obstoječih vizualnih identitet festivala ter tudi raziskava nastanka festivala in njegovega zgodovinskega pomena. Teoretični del obsega pregled elementov vizualne identitete in njihovo funkcijo. Nato je predstavljen komercialni vidik uporabe vizualne identitete s tehnikami propagande, ki se jih pri komunikacijskih kampanjah poslužujejo podjetja. Na koncu je opisana še metoda kvalitativnega raziskovanja, ki smo jo uporabili pri analizi dosedanjih del. V eksperimentalnem delu je opravljena obsežnejša analiza vsebine preteklih grafičnih rešitev za Exit festival in kratka analiza plakatov konkurenčnega festivala Sziget. Proces oblikovanja vizualne identitete je predstavljen skozi koncept kampanje preko okvirnih skic do njihove digitalizacije in dodelave v izbranih računalniških programih. Cilji v tem delu magistrskega dela so bili izbrati primerni stil oblikovanja, tipografijo in barvno paleto. Na koncu so definirani še promocijski material in implementacija izdelanih grafičnih elementov na različne medije. Rezultati analize dosedanjih rešitev so predstavljeni v naslednjem poglavju, kjer so lastnosti vizualnih rešitev razvrščene v štiri glavne kategorije: tehnika propagande, uporabljena pisava, nosilec neverbalnega sporočila in barve. Tu je tudi predstavljena končna podoba naše tematske vizualne identitete in uporaba elementov te identitete na več promocijskih medijih.

Keywords:Exit festival, ilustracija, kvalitativno raziskovanje, promocijska kampanja, promocijski material, vizualna identiteta
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Title:Thematic visual identity design for Exit festival
The master's thesis was focused on designing a thematic visual identity for Exit festival. Visual identity consists of several elements that together form coordinated visual messages. Our thematic visual identity was applied on promotional material with which the festival presents itself to the general public and communicates with their target audience. The purpose of the master's thesis was to design a thematic visual identity for Exit festival for a certan year, that will communicate with the public through one idea on various promotional materials. The intention is to create an identity that will be different from the past visual representations of the festival, but at the same time will contain characteristics that are recognizable for the festival. The goals of the master's thesis were an extensive research and analysis of the existing visual identities as well as the research into the origins of the festival and its historical significance. The theoretical part includes an overview of the elements of visual identity. Furthermore the commercial aspect of the use of visual identity is presented with the propaganda techniques that companies use in their campaigns. Finally, the method of qualitative research used in the analysis is described. In practical part of the master's thesis an extensive analysis of the past graphic solutions for the Exit festival and a short analysis of the competing Sziget festival is performed. The process of creating a visual identity is presented through the concept of the campaign, across rough sketches, to their digitization in selected computer programs. The goals in this part of the master's thesis were to choose the appropriate design style, typography and color palette. Lastly, promotional material and implementation of created graphic elements on various media are defined. The results of the analysis are presented in the chapter Results and discussion, where the properties of visual solutions of previus festivals are classified into four main categories: propaganda technique, font, non-verbal message carrier and color. In this chapter the final visual identity and the use of its graphic elements on various medias are presented.

Keywords:Exit festival, illustration, qualitative research, marketing campaign, promotional material, visual identity

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