
Možnosti uporabe tematsko-orientacijske poti v predšolskem obdobju
ID Vrhovec, Katja (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6364/ This link opens in a new window

Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, na kakšen način so zajeta kurikularna področja na izbrani tematsko-orientacijski poti in kako so med seboj povezana, kako izbrana tematsko-orientacijska pot omogoča vzgojitelju upoštevanje procesno-razvojnih ciljev, na kakšen način je zagotovljena nadgradnja pri posamezni točki in na kakšen način lahko vzgojitelji lokalnega vrtca in vzgojitelji drugih vrtcev uporabljajo izbrano pot. Z analizo Kurikuluma za vrtce, Priporočil za vrtce, Zakona o vrtcih, Malega sončka in Cicibana planinca ter fiksno postavljene tematsko-orientacijske poti »Skrivnost preddvorskih štorkelj« smo na podlagi spremenljivk, ki so bile razdeljene na tri dele, in sicer so prvi sklop spremenljivk predstavljala kurikularna področja (gibanje, jezik, narava, matematika, umetnost in družba), drugi sklop je predstavljala procesno-razvojna naravnanost TO-poti, tretji sklop pa uporabnost izbrane fiksne TO-poti pri različnih dejavnostih v vrtcu, smo ugotovili, da so kurikularna področja zajeta na vseh točkah. Na vsaki točki prevladuje eno glavno področje, ki ga spremlja še vsaj eno področje. Področja se med seboj povezujejo in nadgrajujejo. Vsaka točka omogoča, da jo nadgradimo tako, da zajamemo tudi procesno-razvojne cilje drugih področji. Vzgojitelji lokalnega vrtca in tudi drugih vrtcev lahko na izbran TO-poti krepijo vzdržljivost, hkrati pa na igriv način predstavijo planinske vsebine (npr. bonton, orientacijo idr.) ter skupaj raziskujejo okolico.

Keywords:tematsko-orientacijska pot
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119093 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26938627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Possibilities of the use of the thematic orientation path in preschool
The purpose of the thesis was to identify in what way the curricular fields of the selected thematic orientation path are included and how they are interconnected, how the selected thematic orientation path allows the educator to consider the process development goals, how the upgrade of individual spots is ensured and how educators of the local kindergarten and other kindergartens use the selected path. With an analysis of the Curricula for kindergartens, Suggestions for kindergartens, the Kindergartens Act, the magazines Mali sonček and Ciciban planinec, and the fixed set thematic orientation path “The secret of the storks of Predvor”, we found that the curricular fields for all the spots are included. We did this based on variables, which were divided into three parts. The first set of variables included the curricular fields (motion, language, nature, mathematics, arts and society), the second part included the process developmental orientation of the TO-path, and the third set presented the usability of the selected TO-path for different activities within the kindergarten. One field, accompanied by at least another field, is prevailing on each spot. The spots are interconnected ad upgrading each other. Each spot allows us to upgrade it in such a way that we also include the process development goals of other fields. The educators of the local kindergarten and other kindergartens can use the selected TO-path to strengthen their endurance and at the same time present the hiking content (e.g. etiquette, orientation etc.) in a playful manner and explore the surroundings together.

Keywords:thematic orientation path

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