
Avtomatizacija analize okvar na pakirni liniji v LEK d.d.
ID KLEMENC, TIM (Author), ID Begeš, Gaber (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Oddelek proizvodnega inženiringa trdnih izdelkov je v podjetju Lek d.d. zadolžen za vzdrževanje pakirnih linij farmacevtskih proizvodov. Naloge na delovnem mestu zajemajo posredovanje pri nenačrtovanih zastojih na pakirnih linijah, izdelavo tehnične dokumentacije pri montiranju novih strojev in nadgradnji že obstoječih strojev, ter nadzor in stalno izpopolnjevanje preventivnega vzdrževanja strojev na pakirnih linijah. Vse naloge so del zagotavljanja kakovosti proizvodnih procesov. Za doseganje najvišje stopnje kakovosti le-teh je potrebna temeljita analiza okvar, ki so botrovale zastojem pakirnih linij. Temeljita analiza okvar je ključnega pomena pri načrtovanju in izvajanju efektivnega preventivnega vzdrževanja. Predmet diplomske naloge je program, ki samodejno opravi statistično analizo poročila okvar iz sistema beleženja dogodkov, ki se dogodijo v proizvodnih in pakirnih linijah. Iz dogodkov je potrebne izluščiti okvare, trajanje okvar, in komentarje, ki vsaki okvari pripadajo. Namen naloge je predstavitev delovanja programa za analize odpovedi v pakirnici in statistično obdelavo izluščenih podatkov in predstavitev praktične uporabe rezultatov v delovnem procesu proizvodnih inženirjev. Programska oprema, preko katere se vsi dogodki v pakirnici prenašajo na interne serverje v podjetju, je Decisyon. Program vsaki okvari pripiše linijo, na kateri se je pripetila, trajanje okvare in komentar, ki ji pripada. Vsak komentar prebere, in z iskanjem ključnih besed dodeli stroj, na katerem se je okvara zgodila, in vrsto okvare. Za vsako linijo naredi seštevek časa odpovedi, linije razvrsti po skupnem trajanju zastojev, in izriše Pareto diagram. Rezultate analize proizvodni inženirji dodatno analizirajo, in predlagajo preventivne ukrepe za zmanjšanje zastojev v prihodnosti. Rezultati so tudi predstavljeni vodilnim v podjetju. Logika, ki jo program za delovanje uporablja, ni vezana na panogo industrije. Z prilagoditvijo iskanja ključnih besed bi ga lahko uporabil za katerikoli proizvodnji proces, ki za zbiranje dogodkov in podatkov uporablja Decisyon programsko opremo. Področje delovanja podjetja ne vpliva na uporabnost programa.

Keywords:Microsoft Excel, VBA, analiza, statistika, Pareto diagram
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-119072 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Automation of defects analysis on the packaging line in LEK d.d.
The department of production engineering of solid products in company Lek d.d. is in charge of maintaining the packaging lines of pharmaceutical products. Tasks at the workplace include intervention in unplanned congestion on packaging lines, preparation of technical documentation for the installation of new machines and upgrading of existing machines, supervision and continuous improvement of preventive maintenance of machines on packaging lines. All tasks are a part of ensuring the quality of production processes. To achieve the highest level of quality requires a thorough analysis of the defects that caused the congestion of packaging lines. Thorough defect analysis is crucial in planning and implementing effective preventive maintenance. The subject of the diploma thesis is a program that automatically performs statistical analysis of the report of failures from the system which records events that occur in production and packaging lines. From the events it is necessary to extract the faults, the duration of the faults, and the comments that belong to each fault. The purpose of the thesis is to present the operation of the program for failure analysis in the packaging plant and statistical processing of extracted data and to present the practical application of the results in the work process of production engineers. All events in the packaging plant are transmitted to the company's internal servers through a software called Decisyon. The program assigns to each fault a line on which it occurred, the duration of the fault and a comment. It reads each comment and by searching for keywords, assigns the machine on which the failure occurred and the type of failure. For each line it makes a sum of the failure times, sorts the lines by the total duration of congestion, and draws a Pareto diagram. The results of the analysis are further analysed by production engineers, who propose preventive measures to reduce congestion in the future. The results are also presented to the leaders in the company. The logic used by the program to operate is not tied to the industry. By customizing your keyword search, you could use it for any production process that uses Decisyon software to collect events and data. The field of the company does not affect the usability of the program.

Keywords:Microsoft Excel, VBA, analysis, statistic, Pareto diagram

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