
Naprava za karakterizacijo polarizacije laserske svetlobe
ID Lapajne, Janez (Author), ID Petkovšek, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Agrež, Vid (Comentor)

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Merjenje polarizacije svetlobe predstavlja pomembno področje karakterizacije laserske svetlobe. V magistrskem delu je skonstruiran polarimeter, ki omogoča točno merjenje vseh polarizacijskih stanj svetlobe v realnem času. Za zasnovani optomehatronski sistem je prikazana izdelava merilne in krmilne enote, ter izbira optičnih, mehanskih in elektronskih komponent. Izdelano je električno vezje, ki omogoča lažje povezovanje med posameznimi komponentami. Na njem je integriran mikrokrmilnik, ki predstavlja logično enoto izdelanega polarimetra. Na mikrokrmilniku je implementiran krmilni algoritem, ki omogoča merjenje in komunikacijo z uporabnikom. Polarimeter je zasnovan na principu popisa rotirajoče retardacijske ploščice in fiksnega polarizatorja s Stokes-Muller-jevo formulacijo. V primeru zamenjave optičnih elementov je uporabljena tehnika primerna za različne valovne dolžine. Za zamenjavo optičnih elementov je zasnovan postopek kalibracije. Uporabnik z izdelanim polarimetrom upravlja preko LCD zaslona ali osebnega računalnika. Za ta namen je izdelan uporabniški vmesnik, ki omogoča krmiljenje, kalibracijo in analizo meritev. Za kontrolo pravilnosti delovanja izdelanega polarimetra je zasnovan postopek določitve negotovosti. Pri tem je uporabljen laserski izvor z valovno dolžino $\lambda = 1064$ nm, frekvenco bliskov 1 Mhz in dolžino bliskov t$_\text{FWHM}$ = 1 ns. Z izdelanim polarimetrom lahko merimo Stokes-ove parametre z razširjeno merilno negotovostjo 0,02 in maksimalno frekvenco merjenja 3 vzorce/s.

Keywords:Stokes-ova formulacija, merjenje polarizacije, snovanje polarimetra, snovanje električnega vezja, laserska svetloba, optimizacija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Lapajne]
Number of pages:XXIV, 94 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118828 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27427075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Device for characterization of laser light polarization
Measuring light polarization is important for the characterization of the laser light. In the thesis, we devise a polarimeter that enables accurate measurement of light polarization states in real time. For the devised optomechatronical system we show the realization of the measuring and control units, and the choice of optical, mechanical and electronic components. We devised an electrical circuit that facilitates the connections among individual components. On the electrical circuit, we integrated a microcontroller that represents a logical unit of the devised polarimeter. A control algorithm is implemented on the microcontroller which enables data acquisition and communication with the user. The polarimeter uses the principle of rotating optical waveplates and a fixed polarizer with Strokes-Muller formulation. Measuring at different wavelengths can be achieved by a simple substitution of the optical elements. For this we devised a calibration procedure. A user can control the polarimeter via LCD screen or a personal computer. For this purpose, a user interface was written that allows for control, calibration and analysis of measurements. We established a procedure for determining the measurement uncertainty in order to control for the correct functioning of the devised polarimeter. To achieve that, we used a laser source with $\lambda = 1064$ nm wavelength, \mbox{1 Mhz} laser beam frequency and t$_\text{FWHM}$ = 1 ns beam length. With the devised polarimeter, we can measure Strokes parameters with an expanded measurement uncertainty of 0.02 and a maximum frequency measurement of 3 samples/s.

Keywords:Stokes formulation, polarization measurement, design of polarimeter, design of printed circuit board, laser light, optimization.

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