
Izkušnje socialnih delavk z uporabniki, ki so napoteni na center za socialno delo : diplomsko delo
ID Verčnik, Nina (Author), ID Rihter, Liljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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O uporabnikih, ki so napoteni po pomoč, je bilo narejenih že nekaj raziskav, ki nakazujejo na to, da se socialne delavke pogosto srečujejo z uporabniki, ki so napoteni in da si želijo več znanja za delo z njimi. To sem zaznala tudi sama, ko sem opravljala študijsko prakso na centru za socialno delo (CSD). Ker me zanima, kakšne so izkušnje socialnih delavk pri delu z uporabniki, ki so napoteni na CSD, sem opravila kvalitativno raziskavo na podlagi intervjujev na neslučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu, ki ga predstavlja 14 socialnih delavk, ki delajo na različnih področjih na CSD-ju. Intervjuje sem zapisala ter opravila odprto, osno in odnosno kodiranje. Teoretska izhodišča, ki jih za lažje razumevanje in bolj podroben opis problema mojega raziskovanja uporabljam v svojem diplomskem delu, so: osnovni pojmi in definicija socialnega dela, opis koncepta delovnega odnosa, opis centra za socialno delo, definicija uporabnikov, ki so napoteni ter modeli in napotki za delo z njimi. Iz opravljene kvalitativne analize podatkov sem ugotovila, da se večina socialnih delavk na CSD-ju pogosto srečuje z uporabniki, ki so napoteni. Najpogosteje se z njimi srečujejo na področju varstva otrok in družine ter na področjih, kjer se ukvarjajo s posledicami nasilja. Najmanj pogosto pa se z njimi srečujejo na področju uveljavljanja pravic iz javnih sredstev. Glede počutja pri delu z uporabniki, ki so napoteni, so bile socialne delavke v odgovorih precej neenotne, iz česar sklepam, da je na splošno počutje socialnih delavk pri delu z uporabniki, ki so napoteni, različno. Kar se tiče teoretičnih znanj in strategij, večina socialnih delavk uporablja koncept delovnega odnosa. Glede ostalih znanj in strategij si niso bile tako enotne. Večinoma jih črpajo iz izobraževanj in iz samoiniciativnega učenja ter njihovih lastnosti in izkušenj. So se pa znanja in strategije, ki jih uporabljajo, v večini izkazala za uspešna tudi pri delu z uporabniki, ki so napoteni. Še posebej se je za uspešnega izkazal koncept delovnega odnosa. Kar bi socialne delavke še potrebovale za boljšo kompetentnost pri delu z uporabniki, ki so napoteni, je po mnenju večine socialnih delavk izobraževanje, in sicer tako tisto, ki je organizirano iz strani nadrejenih, kakor izobraževanje v smislu samoiniciativnega učenja. Kot pomembni za boljšo kompetentnost so se izkazali tudi ustrezni delovni pogoji, med katerimi je v odgovorih najbolj izstopala podpora s strani sodelavcev in drugih strokovnjakov. Glede na rezultate predlagam, da se na CSD-jih organizira več izobraževanj za socialne delavke, in sicer na temo obnavljanja znanja iz fakultete in na temo sodelovanja z uporabniki, ki so napoteni. Tudi sicer se mi zdi pomembno, da se organizira več izobraževanj, ki so socialnim delavkam dostopna, ter da se jim omogoči lažji dostop do literature. Predvsem pa se mi zdi pomembno, da se socialne delavke podpre, da so jim omogočene supervizije in intervizije, tako skupne kakor za posamezna področja dela ter da imajo že na splošno dovolj podpore s strani delovnega kolektiva. Pomembno je tudi, da nadrejeni upoštevajo pobude socialnih delavk pri spremembah zakonodaje. Za nadaljnje raziskovanje predlagam, da se razišče doprinos mediacije in realitetne terapije k uspešnemu sodelovanju in delu z uporabniki, ki so napoteni, saj sta bili v odgovorih v moji raziskavi posebej izpostavljeni.

Keywords:uporabniki, ki so napoteni, center za socialno delo, socialno delo, socialne delavke, socialni delavci, izkušnje, znanje, kompetence
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Verčnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118669 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:38561027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Social Workers' Experience with Users Referred to Centres for Social Work
Several studies were carried out on the topic of users referred to centres for social work for help which indicate that social workers often work with referred users and want to gain further knowledge in this area. This was also my experience during my practical training at the centre for social work (CSW). Based on my interest in social workers’ experiences in working with users referred to the CSW, I performed a qualitative survey with interviews including a convenience sample of 14 social workers engaged in different areas of activity at the CSW. I recorded the interviews and performed open, axial and selective coding. The theoretical bases, used in the thesis, that facilitate the understanding and describe in greater detail the research problem include: the basic concepts and definition of social work, description of the concept of working relationship, description of centre for social work, definition of referred users, and models and guidelines for working with them. Based on the performed qualitative analysis, I found that the majority of the social workers at the CSW frequently work with referred users – most often in the areas concerning child and family protection or violence, and least often in the area of exercising rights from public funds. The social workers’ responses relative to their well-being were quite varied, therefore I assume that, generally, social workers have different experiences when interacting with referred users. In terms of theoretical knowledge and strategies, based on the results, most social workers use the concept of working relationship, but they vary relative to other types of knowledge and strategies. Mainly, they obtain knowledge from education and training, self-directed learning, and based on their own abilities and experiences. These types of knowledge and strategies that they are using have also proved successful, for the most part, in their work with referred users – especially the concept of working relationship. According to the majority of the social workers, the main contribution that would help enhance their competences in working with referred users is education, both education organized by their superiors and self-directed learning. Another important factor in developing competences is proper working conditions, where the majority emphasised support from their colleagues and other professionals. Based on the results, it is my suggestion that centres for social work should implement more education for social workers to help them review their faculty knowledge and on the topic of collaboration with referred users. I find it important that social workers are provided with more accessible education and training, as well as an easier access to literature. But mostly, it is important that they receive support through supervision and intervision, in addition to sufficient general support from staff members. It is also important that superiors take into account social workers' suggestions when changing the law. For further research, I suggest exploring the contribution of mediation and reality therapy to successful collaboration and work with referred users, as they were specifically mentioned in the responses in my research.

Keywords:referred users, involuntary users, centres of social work, social work, social workers, experiences, knowledge, competences

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