
Spodbujanje komunikacije o pandemskih pravljicah pri predšolskih otrocih
ID Devetak, Veronika (Author), ID Blažić, Milena Mileva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6360/ This link opens in a new window

Komunikacija zajema tako verbalno kot tudi neverbalno izražanje, podobno tudi značaj slikanice je kombiniranje verbalne (besedne) in vizualne (slikovne) komunikacije. Slike in tudi slikanice so slikovni znaki, besede pa so konvencionalni znaki, saj temeljijo na določenem dogovoru. Vloga slik je nekaj predstavljati, besed pa pripovedovati; beseda in slika sta v stalni interakciji (Nikolajeva, 2003). Govor je subjektiven, predstavlja individualno manifestacijo jezika, s katerim se posameznik sporazumeva in izraža. Jezik je objektiven in družben, saj sledi normam, skupnim vsem pripadnikom neke jezikovne skupine. Na govorno-jezikovni razvoj v predšolskem obdobju vplivajo predvsem dejavniki v domačem in v institucionalnem okolju. Starši naj bi spodbujali otrokov govor, mu brali pravljice, peli z njim, obiskovali gledališke in lutkovne predstave, se pogovarjali ... Vzgojitelji pa bi morali biti jezikovni zgled otrokom in omogočati primerno okolje in aktivnosti, ki zlasti v času intenzivnega razvoja usmerjeno spodbujajo komunikacijske spretnosti. Poznamo mejnike v govorno-jezikovnem razvoju, večinoma pa se pri otrocih s posebnimi potrebami pojavljajo nekateri odmiki od povprečja. Otroci s posebnimi potrebami imajo lahko primanjkljaje na različnih področjih, ki vplivajo na njihov razvoj, pri nekaterih skupinah tudi na govorno-jezikovni razvoj. Med slednje sodijo otroci z Downovim sindromom, ki imajo večkrat izrazitejše težave na področju govorno-jezikovnega razvoja. Z otroki, ki imajo težave na področju komunikacije, lahko uporabljamo podporno komunikacijo, ki govor dopolni oziroma ga nadomesti. To komunikacijo delimo na ročno znakovne sisteme, med katere spadajo geste, znakovni jeziki, mimika, telesna drža idr., in na slikovne in simbolne sisteme, kot so komunikacijske table, komunikatorji, elektronske naprave, ki producirajo glas idr. S pomočjo študije primera oziroma literarne analize treh slikanic iz leta 2020 (Koronavirus: Knjiga za otroke; Ti si moj junak: Kako lahko otroci pomagajo premagati covid-19; Virus, virus, ne bojim se!) bomo spoznali, kako lahko uvedemo komunikacijo o pandemiji v skupino predšolskih otrok, a tudi otrok z Downovim sindromom. V Italiji so se namreč 30. januarja 2020 pojavili prvi primeri ljudi, okuženih s koronavirusom, zato je bila takrat uradno razglašena pandemija. V Sloveniji se je zgodilo isto, le da je bilo to dne 4. marca 2020. V študijo bo vključena tudi dveletna Sestrica z Downovim sindromom, s katero bomo poskusili uvesti to tematiko in se o tej pogovoriti. Na podlagi študije in prebrane literature bodo glavni cilji naloge oblikovati smernice za pomoč vzgojiteljem pri spodbujanju komunikacije o pandemskih pravljicah tako predšolskih otrok tipičnega razvoja kot otrok z Downovim sindromom, navajati priporočila, kako lahko vzgojitelj spodbuja komunikacijo otrok z elementi s kretnjami podprte komunikacije (v nadaljevanju KPK). Pri tem bo vedno poudarjena vloga vključevanja možnosti alternativnih načinov spodbujanja komunikacije v pandemskih pravljicah v vrtčevski skupini tako za otroke z Downovim sindromom kot možnosti uporabe elementov podporne komunikacije o tej tematiki pri delu s celo skupino otrok.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118660 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:26453251 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Encouragement of preschool children's communication about pandemic tales – picture books' case study about Covid-19
Communication comprises both verbal and non-verbal expression, similarly, the nature of a picture book is also a combination of verbal communication (words) and visual communication (pictures). Pictures and picture books are picture signs, whereas words are conventional signs, as they are based on a certain agreement. The role of pictures is to represent something, while the role of words is to tell a story; words and pictures are in constant interaction (Nikolajeva, 2003). Speech is subjective, and it represents the individual expression of language, which the individual uses to communicate and express itself. Language is objective and cultural, as it follows norms, which are common to all the members of a certain language group. The main factors influencing speech and language development in the pre-school period can be traced back to the domestic and institutional environment. Parents should encourage the child’s speech, read him fairy tales, sing with him, attend theater and puppet shows, talk with him etc. Educators, on the other hand, should be a language example to children, provide them with adequate environment and activities which are focused on the encouragement of communication skills, especially in the period of intensive development. We are familiar with the milestones of speech and language development, but we can generally observe some deviations in children with special needs. They can face shortcomings in various areas, which can influence their development, and even influence the speech and language development in some groups, such as in children with Down syndrome, who often experience noticeable problems in this area of development. When dealing with children who have trouble communicating, we can use supported communication, which can complete or replace speech. We can break this kind of communication down into hand signed systems, such as gestures, sign language, facial expression, body posture etc., and into picture and sign systems, like communication boards, communicators, electronic devices that generate sound, etc. Through the case study and the literary analysis of three picture books (Coronavirus: A book for children; My hero is you: How kids can fight Covid-19; Virus, virus, You Cannot Scare Me!) we will find out how we can establish a dialogue on the pandemic with a group of pre-schoolers, as well as with children with Down syndrome. In fact, in Italy the first cases of coronavirus infections appeared on the 30th of January 2020, thus the pandemic was officially declared. The same occurred in Slovenia, only on the 4th of March 2020. My two-year-old Sister with Down syndrome will also be involved in the study, and we will try to introduce this topic and have a conversation about it with her. On the basis of the study and the literature, the main goals of the study will be to develop guidelines to help educators encourage communication on pandemic tales with both children with typical development and those with Down syndrome, as well as to put forward suggestions on how the educator can encourage the child's communication with elements of gesture-supported communication. Throughout the study, the role of the integration of alternative ways of encouraging communication in pandemic tales in groups of pre-schoolers with Down syndrome, as well as the possibility of using elements of supported communication on this topic when dealing with a whole group of children will constantly be emphasized.


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