
Tango – uspeh in pohujšanje sezone: Diskurz o tangu v slovenskem časopisju med letoma 1911 in 1940
ID Cizel, Anja (Author), ID Habinc, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava tango, ki je v začetku 20. stoletja popolnoma osvojil plesišča po vsem svetu. Tango je bil izjemno popularen tako na Slovenskem kot povsod drugod po Evropi. Njegovo priljubljenost nista prekinili niti obe svetovni vojni, ki sta za nekaj let ohromili vsesplošno družabno življenje. Za njegovo prepoznavnost in priljubljenost je zaslužno tudi takratno časopisje, ki je od prvih let njegovega prihoda na plesišča pomembno prispevalo k njegovi podobi v javnosti. Liberalno časopisje je namreč tango označevalo za največji uspeh sezone, ta isti tango pa je konservativni del kmalu po njegovem prihodu na evropska plesišča označil za pohujšljivega, nemoralnega in mu pripisal celo številne slabe vplive na zdravje plesalcev. Tango je med ideološko nasprotnima taboroma na Slovenskem zanetil pravo ideološko vojno, ki je svoje mesto našla v takratnem časopisju. Liberalneje usmerjena družba je ob spremembah v plesni kulturi, ekonomizaciji prostega časa, porastu plesnih šol, učbenikov in glasbenih plošč, obenem pa z uporom proti medijskemu diskurzu o moralnem vedenju (ki je z agresivno politiko proti modernim plesom dosegel celo nasprotni učinek) tango odobravala, ga spodbujala in ga vzela za svojega. Ta obsežni časopisni diskurz je v magistrskem delu analiziran v več poglavjih, med drugim tudi v zvezi z obravnavo procesov iskanja antropološkega Drugega, s spremembami v družbeno-političnem položaju žensk, ekonomizaciji prostega časa ter z razvojem popularne kulture ter zamejevanjem ločnic med »ljudsko« in meščansko plesno kulturo.

Keywords:tango, ples, plesišče, časopisje, 20. stoletje, etnokoreologija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Tango – Success and Scandal of the Season: A Discourse on Tango in Slovenian Newspaper between 1911 and 1940
The master's thesis deals with tango, which completely conquered dance floors all over the world at the beginning of the 20th century Tango has been extremely popular both in Slovenia as well as elsewhere in Europe. Its popularity was not even interrupted by the two World Wars, which paralyzed general social life for several years. It owes its recognition and popularity mainly to the newspapers of the time, which significantly contributed to its public image. The liberal newspapers described tango as the greatest success of the season, advertised it featuring sheet music of the latest melodies, dance schools and dance teachers included it in their permanent program of courses and dance events, and later the music industry contributed to its extraordinary popularity with gramophone records and advertising. On the other hand, conservative media described tango as disgusting and immoral, even accused it to cause adverse health effects on the dancers. According to conservative circles, the tango threatened the value system and social order. The tango ignited a real ideological war between the two camps - the clerical and the liberal - in the spirit of political struggle, which found its place in the newspapers of the time. This newspaper discourse is analyzed extensively in several chapters of this master's thesis, including the process of searching for the anthropological "other", the processes of attaining symbolic power in the wider socio-political space, the role of the Church as the main authority in establishing and maintaining moral principles. The tango in its history also indirectly reveals many processes of women's movements. Symbolic changes in the position of women in society and in the symbolic constitution of their bodies in public space, as well as upheavals and negotiations in the distinctly patriarchal society of the time. Various social events, e.g. in the past.

Keywords:tango, dance, dancefloor, newspaper, 20th century, ethnochoreology

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