
Tradicija in značilnosti pridelave vina Metliška črnina
ID Blažič, Patricia (Author), ID Rusjan, Denis (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Metliška črnina je tradicionalno, suho, mirno vino rdeče rubinaste barve, s primarno aromo po rdečih sadežih, ki z leti negovanja vina preide v aromo po zrelih sadežih značilnih za sortni sestav in poreklo vina. Vino se lahko prideluje izključno na območju Bele krajine in prva ustekleničena metliška črnina je bila leta 1968. Največja pridelovalka omenjenega vina je že od nekdaj Vinska klet Metlika. Leta 2008 se je vino metliška črnina zaščitilo kot vino s priznanim tradicionalnim poimenovanjem oziroma Metliška črnina PTP. V obdobju od leta 2008 do leta 2019 se je letno povprečno pridelalo 213125 l vina metliška črnina. Vino Metliška črnina PTP se prideluje iz sort 벌Modra Frankinja벌, 벌Žametovka벌, 벌Portugalka벌, 벌Šentlovrenka벌, 벌Gamay벌, 벌Modri pinot벌 in 벌Zweigelt벌. Po deležu sort, ki so zastopane v vinu, največji delež zavzema sorta 벌Modra Frankinja벌, sledi sorta 벌Žametovka벌 in nato preostale sorte, delež katerih zavisi od kakovosti pridelanega grozdja. Povprečno največjo vsebnost skupnih sladkorjev (79,8 °Oe) je v obdobju od leta 2008 do 2019 dosegalo grozdje sorte 'Modra Frankinja', sledi sorta 'Šentlovrenka' s 73 °Oe in najmanj 'Žametovka' s 71,4 °Oe. Povprečni pH grozdja sorte 벌Šentlovrenka벌 je v omejenem obdobju od 3,03 do 3,27, sorte 'Modra Frankinja' od 2,97 do 3,27 in sorte 'Žametovka' od 2,93 do 3,25. Metliška črnina je zvrst vina s vsebnostjo alkohola od 10,5 do 12,0 vol. %, titracijskih kislin od 4,5 do 7,0 g/l in reducirajočih sladkorjev do 3 g/l. Vino metliška črnina je najbolj znana vinska blagovna znamka v Beli krajini, ki je hkrati tudi temelj belokranjskega vinogradništva.

Keywords:vinska trta, vinogradništvo, vinarstvo, vino, kakovost, metliška črnina, PTP
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[P. Blažič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-118589 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:27096323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.08.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Heitage and characteristics of Metliška črnina wine prodution
Metliška črnina is a traditional, dry, still wine with a red ruby colour, primary aroma reminiscence of red fruits, which with wine aging turns into aroma reminiscence of mature fruit characterised by varietal composition and wine origin. The wine can be produced exclusively in the area of Bela krajina winegrowing district, where the first bottled metliška črnina wine was in the year 1968. The largest metliška črnina wine producer has always been the winery Vinska klet Metlika. In 2008, the metliška črnina wine was protected as a wine with recognised traditional denomination Metliška črnina PTP. In the period from 2008 to 2019, approximately 213.125 liters of metliška črnina wine has been produced annually. Metliška črnina PTP wine is produced from the grapevine varieties 벌Modra Frankinja벌, 벌Žametovka벌, 벌Portugalka벌, 벌Šentlovrenka벌, 벌Gamay벌, 벌Modri pinot벌 and 벌Zweigelt벌. According to the propotion of the sort represented in the wine, the largest share is occupied by the variety 벌Modra Frankinja벌, followed by the variety 벌Žametovka벌 and then the remaining varieties, the share of which depends on the quality of the produced grapes. On average, the highest content of total sugars (79.8 °Oe), in the period from 2008 to 2019, was achieved by grapes of the variety 'Modra Frankinja', followed by the variety 'Šentlovrenka' with 73 °Oe and the lowest 'Žametovka' with 71.4 °Oe. The average pH value of 벌Šentlovrenka벌 grapes in the studied period varied from 3.03 to 3.27, of 'Modra Frankinja' from 2.97 to 3.27 and of 'Žametovka' from 2.93 to 3.25. Metliška črnina is a type of wine with an average alcohol content of 10.5 to 12.0 vol.%,, titratable acidity from 4.5 to 7.0 g/l and reducing sugars content up to 3 g/l. Wine Metliška črnina is the most famous wine brand of Bela krajina, which is also a foundation of Bela krajina viticulture.

Keywords:grapevine, viticulture, enology, wine, quality, metliška črnina, PTP

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